Balance Slackline trains the balance

Balance Slackline trains the balance / Health News

Balancing on the slackline trains the balance


Balancing on the slackline trains the coordination ability and improves the sense of balance. The new trend sport that as „slacklining“ or „slacken“ is similar to tightrope dancing, the rope, usually a belt or hose band, between two attachment points relatively limp (engl. „slack“) is hung. The news agency „dpa“ spoke to Ingo Froböse of the German Sport University Cologne about the training on the Slackline.

Balancing on the Slackerline requires a lot of concentration
When balancing on the slackline, especially the concentration, the sense of balance and the coordination skills of the practitioner are required. That's it „exerciser“ very simple: for that „slacken“ Only a thin belt or hose band and two trees are needed. The tape is attached to the trees in a slack state and you're ready to go. Balancing requires a lot of concentration, reports Froböse. At the same time, however, the stability of the body would be improved and the muscles strengthened.

The expert advises beginners not to stretch the slackline higher than 30 to 70 centimeters above the ground at the beginning. In addition, it is recommended to practice barefoot first. This helps to keep the balance better on the tape. At first it makes sense to let others help, says Froböse. First, standing on the slackline practiced. Later, walking would then follow without losing your balance.

Skilled practitioners can increase the distance of the belt to the ground and try some tricks, such as standing on one leg, turning or going in the knee.

Meanwhile, the trend sport has spread worldwide and always finds spectacular applications. Recently, a 23-year-old was balancing on the Zugspitze on a band between two cabins of the cable car back and forth. Other breathtaking actions have already taken place over waterfalls or between skyscrapers.

Image: Rainer Sturm