Bacteria flies spread far more pathogens than previously thought

Bacteria flies spread far more pathogens than previously thought / Health News

Triggers of diseases: flies carry hundreds of bacteria in them

Nobody likes flying in the apartment or even on his food. Not only because they are annoying, but also because the insects can spread diseases. In a recent study, researchers have now found out that houseflies and blowflies carry significantly more types of bacteria than previously thought.

Flies transmit diseases

Flies are not only annoying little pests for humans and animals, they can also transmit dangerous pathogens. For example, scientists at the University of Düsseldorf reported years ago that in fly samples, they also found enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) bacteria, in addition to some mold fungi. A recent study by an international research team has now shown that the insects carry many more pathogens than previously thought.

Researchers have discovered that houseflies and blowflies carry significantly more types of bacteria than previously thought. Some of them can be very dangerous for humans. (Image: Rainer Fuhrmann /

Insects collected on three continents

The study, led by scientists at Nanyang Technological University Singapore (NTU Singapore), found that houseflies and blowfly contribute more to the spread of disease than previously thought.

For their analysis, the experts collected 116 individual houseflies and blowflies from different habitats on three continents and subjected them to a detailed examination.

The results of the work have now been published in the renowned scientific journal "Scientific Reports" of the Nature Publishing Group.

More than 600 different types of bacteria

According to the scientists, DNA analysis revealed that each of these flies carried up to several hundred different types of bacteria, some of which may be harmful to humans.

Overall, the team found over 600 different bacterial species.

These include pathogens that are associated with infectious diseases such as gastrointestinal influenza, blood poisoning or pneumonia.

Cancer trigger transmitted by flies

In addition, Helicobacter pylori has been identified in some cases. This pathogen, which can cause stomach ulcers in humans, is one of the dangerous germs that can cause cancer.

The bacterium is considered the most important risk factor for gastric cancer.

"Although it is known to be spread through bodily fluids and smear infections, this is the first time that it has been proven that H. pylori is spread via flies in the environment," a statement from Nanyang Technological University said.

Bacteria can fly

"Our study has shown that bacteria can fly when flying with conventional flies," said Prof. Stephan Schuster of NTU Singapore.

"They pick up the microbiome on their feet, sprinkle it over their wings in a similar way as we comb our hair, and then disperse it onto surfaces where they land."

But even though flies are pathogens, they are also an important part of the ecosystem because they serve as pollinators of plants, such as Ana Carolina Martins Junqueira of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro explained.

The research team believes that flies could also be used as an early warning system for epidemics.

For this germ-free flies would have to be bred, which could then be sent as a kind of mini drone in the smallest cracks and crevices, where then microbes stick to them, which can then be examined. (Ad)