Swimming ban on the beach Maschsee remains

Swimming ban on the beach Maschsee remains / Health News

Darmkeime: The ban on swimming at the Lido Maschsee in Hanover remains


Furthermore, a bathing ban at the beach Maschsee in Hanover applies. Over the past week, authorities have taken several water samples and tested for germs in the laboratory. In doing so, the experts discovered dangerous bacteria that could harm health, especially children and immunodeficient persons. According to an official of the Hanover region, the samples exceed „still the mean“. However, the intestinal germ burden was „decreased significantly“. Nevertheless, a ban on bathing remains of the Hanoverian Maschsee´s continue to exist.

The „noticeable decline“ could be caused by the wind, „On the other hand, it may be due to the heavy rains of the last days, which have diluted the water“, reports the spokesman Nils Meyer from the Hannover region. However, this is a first guess, because a clear cause is not proven. Just over seven days ago, health authorities had first issued a ban on bathing. Since then, the Maschsee beach is closed. „Right now, when the beautiful summer days begin, the ban is a drama“.

Wild geese responsible for intestinal germs in the water
The region has meanwhile been able to determine the limit value violation of the water quality. In different places of the Hannover popular Maschsee´s had taken the experts water samples. They found that most of the samples had a „have predominantly good water quality“, as the head of the agency Jens Pohl explained. Therefore, a ban on upcoming swimming events in the context of the Maschseefestes or the planned triathlon can not be pronounced at this time. According to the authorities, the authorities are responsible for the excretion of geese for the bacterial contamination on the beach. The operator of the outdoor pool „Aspria“ had reported that every night over 200 wild geese settle on the water and on the lawn and rest. On the grass would „the geese find good feeding conditions“, explained the official veterinarian of the city of Hannover, Gabriele Doil. The manager of the operator Aspria, Thomas Strohmeyer, reported that the employees would have to spend a few hours with it, „to eliminate the goose droppings from the lawns“, so that the lying areas become usable again.

To get the problem under control, the authorities and the operator want to work more closely together. So-called „Vergrämmungsmaßnahmen“ should help to prevent the wild geese from settling in the evening. So they suggest installing water sprinkler systems on the lawn to keep the animals „as unpleasant as possible“. More tactics to evict the geese want „Aspria“ and work together for the city of Hannover in the coming days. However, only humane techniques should be used. A killing of the animals until the end of the close season in July by poisoning came for both sides out of the question. Visitors to the lake are encouraged not to feed the wild geese. That would encourage further attraction of the wildlife.

For ten years no Maschsee bathing ban was pronounced. Furthermore, visitors to the lake´s urged to take the bathing ban seriously, as dangerous infectious diseases threaten. The germs can lead to severe gastrointestinal diseases and cause discomfort such as abdominal pain and diarrhea. (Sb)

Read about:
Too many germs for children in bathing lakes
Lakes with very good water quality
Antibiotic-resistant bacteria in seawater

Picture: Susann G.