Lakes with very good water quality

Lakes with very good water quality / Health News

Good water quality: The bathing pleasure in the lakes can begin


In Hannover, the bathers can look forward to a bathing pleasure in extremely clean swimming lakes this summer. The water quality at all 26 EU swimming areas of the Hannover region is "very good", a spokesman for the region said on Monday.

"There's nothing wrong with swimming in the open air in the Hannover region. At least not from a hygienic point of view ", according to the current announcement from the regional administration in Hanover. Hygiene inspectors monitor water quality in the region's 26 EU bathing areas from early May to September. The analysis of the water samples showed that "all bathing lakes in the Hanover region have an excellent water quality and three out of three stars in the classification, which was first carried out according to the new criteria of the EU Directive for the period 2008 to 2011," explained Dr. Konrad Wolfarth from the Health Department of the Hannover Region on Monday.

Water quality of the lakes is regularly examined
The Department of Health has examined the water quality in the 26 advertised EU swimming areas of the Hannover region and thereby created according to the region for the first time for each bath "a detailed water profile, the bathers on the lake and the Internet, among other things on the natural condition, size and water quality. "The study of the water samples taken at the beginning of May focused bacteriologically on two germs (intestinal enterococci and Escherichia coli) and on the blue-green algae load. All in all, the water quality "at the start of this year's bathing season at all 26 EU bathing places is very good", according to the region's announcement on Monday. To monitor how the water quality continues to evolve, health professionals regularly take water samples from the bathing lakes by the end of the official bathing season in September.

Weather as the cause of increased algae and germ contamination
As a cause of increased bacterial load called the environmental doctor of the Hannover region, especially the influence of the weather, because "long-lasting sunshine over several days can promote the propagation of blue-green algae." Also, in heavy rainfall, a negative effect on the microbiological findings by flooding of Shore to be expected. According to the statement of Dr. med. However, in the past few years Wolfarth did not have to close any bathing lakes due to the increased concentration of germs. (Fp)

Picture: Jürgen Hüsmert