Evaluation 2015 is missing 175,000 doctors and nurses
Study: Around 175,000 doctors and nurses are missing
More and more medical professionals are missing in clinics and hospitals. This is the result of the current study "Skilled labor shortage in the health care system" of the Münchener Unternehmensberatung „Roland Berger Strategy Consultants“ come. Accordingly, it is expected that the shortage of skilled workers will increase to about 15% by 2015 - which would mean the equivalent of 175,000 vacant positions in the medical and nursing sector.
Hospitals have to deal with 175,000 unfilled vacancies
The shortage of healthcare professionals is growing, according to the current study. According to the announcement of the management consultancy, a rise of 15% is expected by 2015, which corresponds to around 175,000 medical and nursing jobs, which according to this prognosis could remain vacant „Roland Berger Strategy Consultants“. The cause of this development, the experts see in the so-called „Demographic change“: Ever fewer births, the retirement of the baby boomers of the 1950s and 60s from the world of work as well as increasing life expectancy are leading to fewer and fewer working-age people and more and more older people. „By 2030, the proportion of people over the age of 80 is expected to double [...] For the German health system, this represents a significant challenge. Already now, almost 80 percent of German hospitals suffer from not finding enough well-qualified medical professionals. ascending trend“, so the experts from Roland Berger.
Range of services and personnel structures to suit the trend
In view of these results, clinics and hospitals should adapt to this development as quickly as possible - above all through a suitable range of services and personnel structures, which would exonerate doctors administratively, according to the recommendation of Zun-Gon Kim, partner of Roland Berger Strategy Consultants. Accordingly, for example, by reducing the high bureaucratic effort and countless overtime must be ensured that the clinic work for medical graduates again attractive - because "only so can the problem of acute shortage of skilled labor in German hospitals at the roots“, explains Dr. Kim.
"Patient Coordinators" for relief and better care
According to the Roland Berger experts, so-called "patient coordinators" would be a sensible alternative here. These could take over all administrative activities as well as the organization of all patient-related processes - from admission to diagnostics to discharge. „Hospital patients would receive such comprehensive care from one source. This would considerably accelerate the handling of bureaucratic procedures and relieve the doctors and nurses - in favor of patient care, "is the conclusion of the Berger expert Kim. (Nr)