Way out Sugar tax How can children protect themselves from sugar bomb drinks?

Way out Sugar tax How can children protect themselves from sugar bomb drinks? / Health News

Effective measures against obesity: protect children from sugar-rich soft drinks

Soft drinks are often a major cause of child obesity. Health experts therefore welcome the fact that there will soon be a manufacturer levy on such drinks in the UK. They demand that Germany take more effective measures against obesity.

As much sugar as in two handfuls of gummy bears

Parents keep asking themselves how many sweets are really allowed for children. Hardly anyone would agree if it were said that it would be alright to give the offspring two handfuls of gummy bears every day. But as many as 11- to 17-year-olds in Germany drink soft drinks on average every day, the German Alliance for Noncommunicable Diseases (DANK) reports in a communication published by the "Informationsdienst Wissenschaft" (idw). In other countries, governments are doing something about the sugar bomb drinks. In this country too, those responsible should take action.

In the UK, there will soon be a manufacturer levy on sugary soft drinks. Health experts also call for similar measures in Germany to reduce the high consumption of such sugar bomb drinks. (Image: Monkey Business / fotolia.com)

Measure against liquid calorie bombs

In recent years, professionals have repeatedly demanded higher taxes on unhealthy foods to combat obesity.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has also called for special taxes on sugary drinks.

Britain is now doing something about the liquid calorie bombs: From April 6, 2018, a manufacturer levy on soft drinks will be charged there.

The German Noncommunicable Diseases Alliance (DANK) is calling for a similar measure also for Germany in order to reduce the high consumption of soft drinks.

"We must not continue to watch as our children's health is jeopardized by sugared products. And that does not just apply to soft drinks, "says pediatrician PD Dr. med. med. Burkhard Rodeck, Secretary General of the German Society for Paediatrics and Youth Medicine.

Several manufacturers have significantly reduced sugar content

The British soft drink tax is 18 pence (20 cents) per liter if the drink contains 5 g or more of sugar per 100 ml. From 8 g sugar it rises to 28 pence (32 cents).

The measure is already taking effect before it comes into force: several manufacturers have significantly reduced the sugar content in their products.

Berkeley / California, where it has already been introduced, proves that a levy also restricts consumption. Sales of soft drinks fell by as much as 21% - a huge gain for the health of consumers.

In Germany, however, the consumption of soft drinks remains at a high level. On average, 11- to 17-year-olds drink more than 300 ml of Coke, Fanta or something like that - almost a whole can!

That's equivalent to 30 grams of sugar, about as much as 65 grams (or two handfuls) of gummy bears. "With appeals to the parents, this trend is unstoppable," says Rodeck, "here is the policy required."

Healthy eating projects in schools are in no way sufficient to stop the risky trend: "We need measures that are sustainable and reach the entire population."

Raise VAT rate

Experts call for raising the VAT rate for soft drinks in Germany from the current 19% to 29%. For unhealthy products, such as ready-made pizzas, the rate should rise to 19% (instead of 7% today).

In return, fruit and vegetables (today 7%) should be completely exempt from VAT. A study by the University of Hamburg had calculated the effects of this staggering on diet and body weight.

Result: The proportion of severely overweight people would continue to increase, but in men by about 8% and in women by 3% decline.

Many developed countries are already taking political measures against obesity worldwide. But in Germany, these fail mainly because of the lobbyism of the food industry.

The new federal government has now announced in the coalition agreement a "national strategy to reduce obesity, especially in children and adolescents".

"This must necessarily include fiscal measures against the high consumption of soft drinks," says DANK spokeswoman Barbara Bitzer. (Ad)