Sufficient exercise and physical activity protects us from old age

Sufficient exercise and physical activity protects us from old age / Health News

How can people protect themselves from the effects of old age??

Researchers have now found that regular exercise not only benefits our body and mind, it can also protect us from many aspects of the slow wear of old age.

The researchers from the University of Texas Southwestern found in their recent research that regular exercise and exercise are the best at protecting against the progressive wear of old age. The physicians published the results of their study in the English-language journal "Journal of the American Heart Association".

Sufficient exercise is good for our health. Researchers now found that exercise and sport can protect against the effects of old age. (Image: contrastwerkstatt /

Activity and exercise protect the heart

As older people spend more time in activity and exercise, they show fewer signs of progressive heart disease. The scientists studied 1,600 UK volunteers aged 60-64 for their study. These carried so-called heart rate sensors for five days. The physicians analyzed participants' activity levels and compared them to indicators of heart disease such as cholesterol precursors and a substance called interleukin-6. Overall, participants with more activity had a lower level of all negative biomarkers, say the experts.

Even short activities improve heart health

The impact was even noticeable when researchers looked at participants' activities in 10-minute intervals. Every 10 minutes spent on exercise, whether it was running, playing tennis or gardening, was associated with measurable improvements in at least one type of biomarker related to heart health. These results clearly confirm that physical activity can lower the risk of heart disease.

What do cardio and strength training do??

This is not the first time that two special forms of exercise - cardio exercise and weight training - have been associated with anti-aging benefits. Aerobic training or cardio training is the type of workout that puts a heavy strain on the heart and sweat in large quantities, while strength training helps to strengthen the muscles. Both types of exercises are important to the heart. The left ventricle, which plays a key role in supplying the body with oxygen-enriched blood, is particularly susceptible to age-related damage.

Sport can prevent stiffening in the heart

A study recently published in the journal "Circulation" found that adults who exercised under supervision for four to five days a week achieved a significant improvement in their cardiac output over two years compared to a control group that performed only basic stretching and balancing exercises , These results suggest that some stiffening in the heart can be prevented or even reversed by regular aerobic exercise, the doctors explain. Based on a series of studies conducted by the team over the past five years, this dose of exercise is a good recommendation, the researchers say.

Older people benefit significantly from sports

As early as May, an analysis of just under 100 published studies published in the journal Neurology: Clinical Practice found that older people exercising about 40 minutes three times a week experienced significant cognitive benefits. These advantages included better processing speed and better performance in tests involving skills such as time management and attention. This is proof that with a regular exercise program, the clock of aging in the brain can be turned back.

It is important to do sports regularly

An increasing number of studies suggest that the time you spend on a single workout is less important than the total time you spend in the gym over an extended period of time. This would mean that it does not matter if our last workout took five or 50 minutes. It is more important that we do sports regularly, at best several times a week, the experts advise. (As)