Endurance training against infections

Endurance sports can strengthen the immune system
The physical exercise has a positive effect on the organism, has long been known. According to the experts, sport can certainly serve to strengthen the body's defenses and reduce the overall sick leave. Especially recommended are endurance sports, such as cycling, running or swimming. However, overloads should be avoided as far as possible, as otherwise a counterproductive effect threatens.
Regular endurance training of moderate intensity and moderate extent strengthen the immune system and improve the function of certain immune cells, explained the graduate sports teacher Markus Wanjek from the German University for Prevention and Health Management / BSA Academy in Saarbrücken to the news agency „dpa“.
In this way, endurance sports can strengthen the immune system. To bring the body's own immune system at the beginning of the year to the fore, endurance training is well suited. In particular „the infectivity of the upper respiratory tract“ could be clear from the moderate sports activities „be reduced“, although some short training sessions per week already have a clear effect.
Sport strengthens the immune system and helps against stress
If the immune system is weakened, pathogens are all the more easily able to invade the organism and in some cases cause severe infections. Therefore, especially people whose defenses do not function optimally recommend a moderate endurance training, explained the physician. This also applies to seniors, whose immune system often already subsides. Since stress is thought to have a debilitating effect on the immune system and sport can contribute to relieving stress, there is a twofold positive effect on the immune system. Thus, the president of the professional association of German psychologists, Sabine Siegl, had communicated in the middle of the year that numerous mental illnesses „already being caught in the process of being created“ could and yourself „prevent a lot of suffering and costs through smart and sustainable prevention measures“ Sports should explicitly be mentioned as a preventive measure. This also helps in dealing with stress and protect in this way from burnout, so victory on.
Endurance training should be customized
At the beginning with the endurance training it is „important to adapt the training individually to your own training condition“, explained Markus Wanjek. Depending on the state of training and preference, for example, jogging or walking in the fresh air is an option. Alternatively, indoor training on the bike ergometer, on the crosstrainer, the treadmill or with a rowing machine is suitable. However, the trainees should urgently avoid overloading. Because „Too intense, too extensive and exhausting endurance training with insufficient recovery periods causes the opposite“, so the warning of the medic. For beginners, for example, endurance training is enough two to three times a week, each with about 30-minute training sessions. If the organism is stressed too much by the sport, according to the expert threatens a temporary weakening of the immune system and a corresponding increased susceptibility to infection. (Fp)
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Image: Petra Bork