Storing raclette cheese

Store raclette cheese properly
Christmas Eve is more down to earth in many German households. With potato salad and sausages or another dish ready to be prepared quickly, the gifts come under the Christmas tree and the mess can begin.
Only on the following two Christmas days is enough time to sit relaxed with the guests at heartier Christmas meal.
Raclette has long since become a true Christmas dinner classic. Quickly prepared and at your request, everyone can put together their own menu. Most are planned too lush and there are left over all kinds of leftovers that can be recycled. If raclette cheese is left over, it is advisable to either store it under a cheese bell or to wrap it in perforated cling film, advises Andreas Müller of Switzerland Cheese Marketing in Baldham. This keeps him fresh for longer.
If you get hungry in the late evening, you can also use it as a sandwich or as a spicy salad. If even potatoes and cheese slices can be left over, they can also be baked in the oven in a refractory form, says cheese trader Sabine Clormann from Heidelberg. As the raclette cheese quickly forms a delicious crispy crust, it is also a good choice for casseroles. (Fr)
Picture: Joujou