Recycled urine beer? From filtered urine to be brewed new beer

At a major festival, scientists from the University of Ghent collected the urine from visitors, filtered it and then brewed beer. The project is not only designed to better manage wastewater problems in the future, but could also benefit low-water developing countries.
Beer from human urine
Beer is high on the list of favorite German drinks. In neighboring Belgium, the barley juice is also very popular. The country is known for its very special varieties, which are not necessarily produced according to the so-called "purity requirement". In addition, there are now beer from human urine. The idea comes from scientists at the University of Ghent. The necessary excretions were collected at a big festival.

Excretions collected by festival visitors
A few weeks ago, the University of Ghent announced in a press release that beer would soon be available to be extracted from human urine. Researchers at the university had collected the urine of the visitors at a festival, filtered it with special equipment and delivered the collected water to a brewery, who brewed beer from it. They had attached placards at the festival next to urinals with the inscription: "Piss off for science!". And indeed, the project is about scientific work and not an unappetizing joke.
Pure water and concentrated fertilizer
According to Professor Arne Verliefde, pure water and concentrated fertilizer are extracted from the urine after the filtration process. For dry and poor regions of the world, this would be a great gain, as many farmers in developing countries have little access to fertilizers or enough water. The Belgian scientists have been experimenting with this technology for some time. Last year, the university reported on a beer that was produced from wastewater.
Filter system can be operated with solar energy
According to the information, the filter system of the Belgians can be operated with solar energy. As a result, it could also be used in technologically underdeveloped areas. According to Professor Verliefde, an average person produces about 700 liters of urine per year. From this fertilizer could be obtained for a field with 130 kilos of corn. With the beer dispensing the researchers want to draw attention to their project. But they are not the only scientists who produce beer from excreta.
Pollution of the environment
Last year at the Roskilde Festival in Denmark, urine was stored in tanks by thousands of visitors and then used as fertilizer, according to the English "Guardian". The initiative, which stands under the motto "From piss to pilsner", is directed above all against the burden on the environment. According to Leif Nielsen of the Danish Agriculture & Food Council (DAFC), visitors to the festival in Roskilde 2017 could be served beer brewed from ingredients that were fertilized with their own urine. (Ad)