Naturally born 58-year-old woman gives birth to healthy baby

"Wunder von Leverkusen": 58-year-old gives birth to her first child
In Leverkusen, a 58-year-old woman gave birth to a child. Both the mother and the boy are well. According to the clinic, the woman became naturally pregnant.
Mother and child are fine
Although the average age of mothers continues to increase, what is reported from Leverkusen is very unusual. There, a 58-year-old woman gave birth to a healthy son on Friday. "The boy was born with a weight of 3,360 grams and a size of 53 centimeters. Mother and child are well, are currently recovering on our maternity ward, "writes the Leverkusen Hospital in a statement entitled" The Miracle of Leverkusen ".

Became parents for the first time
"What's special is that the mother reported having naturally conceived at the age of 58. Many women have long gone through the menopause at this age, "it continues.
According to media reports, the father of the child is said to be 72 years old. According to the information, the two had become parents for the first time.
In advanced age, women are often artificially fertilized if they want to have a child.
The same applies to a 65-year-old woman from Berlin, who gave birth to quadruplets about three years ago, which have developed well.
Health risks
Health experts repeatedly point out the dangers that threaten pregnancies of older women. For example, increase the likelihood of gestational diabetes.
Statistically, the age of the mother also increases the risk of malformations and chromosome disorders. This becomes particularly clear in the case of the chromosomal disorder trisomy 21.
In addition, the risk of prematurity and miscarriage increases. (Ad)