Naturally expel wasps

Dispose of wasps without chemicals
Now is the time of the wasps. The wasp stings can have health consequences especially for allergy sufferers. And otherwise disturb the little black and yellow-striped animals when, for example, a picnic in the wild is pending. In order to drive out the wasps, however, no chemical clubs must be unpacked. Usually simple means are sufficient to drive the Stechtiere again.
Not infrequently, people panic when surrounded by wasps. In the case of an insect sting allergy, the stings can even have fatal consequences for the health. And otherwise affected and itchy skin areas itch, if a wasp stabbed. We show how the animals can be kept away even without chemicals.
Do not remove the wasp nests at the house yourself
If there is a wasp nest in or near the house, it should not be removed by any means. According to the nest „almost attacks“, risks the displeasure of up to 7000 counting wasps community. Because just as many animals live in an average nest. This displeasure then manifests itself with an attack that can even lead to death by a variety of stitches. Therefore, it is advisable to leave the disposal to a specialist. While pest controllers mostly use chemicals, a beekeeper removes wasps in an ecological way.
Those who want the nests to be completely destroyed should remember that wasps, like all other creatures, also have a high utility. Because by no means the insects feed mainly on sweet treats that stand on the garden tables. Rather, the animals eat mainly aphids and smaller beetles. They thus ensure a balanced population in the animal kingdom. If the wasps no longer give it, gardeners, for example, face a much larger insect infestation.
The trick with the fake nest
Nevertheless, and that is undeniable, the animals are also annoying. To keep them away from the house, the following trick could be tried. To prevent the wasps from building a new nest, homeowners should choose exactly the place where wasps often made a nest in the past, or where it makes sense that the animals would build one on the spot. Sabine Mertens, expert on environment and nature conservation: „A brown crumpled paper bag ensures that the wasps assume another wasp nest is already there. This ensures that they move on to find another place to stay“.
Offer alternative food to the wasps
But that would not clarify what to do to keep the wasps away from the breakfast table in the garden. One possibility is to place other food farther away so that they can settle there in peace. When they are at the table, the wasps can be gently swept away with a slow hand movement. The quiet movement is extremely important so that the insects is not signaled that they want to attack. „Normally, wasps are not very stinging“, says Mertens. A sting comes mostly through hectic and massive movements. But it is also wrong to blow away the wasps. The animals often react aggressively to the carbon dioxide in the breathing air.
Cool after a wasp sting
If a wasp still sticks, the first measure is cool. Decongestants or an onion can cause the sting site to not swell excessively. If a wasp was inadvertently swallowed and this one has a stab in the throat or in the mouth, it is important to quickly call an emergency doctor. The swelling can quickly lead to respiratory distress.
It is also interesting that in some wasps species in a sting special substances are separated, the other wasps alert. The other insects come the supposedly attacked „sister“ to help. Therefore, it is important to leave the scene quickly and go to safety.
In autumn and with the first cold snap, the wasp peoples die again. Only the young queens remain and hide in house insulation or rotten wood in order to safely winter. In the coming summer, they will again build a nest and thus a new wasp people. (Sb)
Also read:
Significantly more wasps this year
Picture: Erika Hartmann