Cure respiratory diseases with the power of nature

Cure respiratory diseases with the power of nature / Health News
Herbal medicines have a soothing and expectorant effect
At up to 1,000 kilometers per hour, coughing expels air from the airways - an enormous speed. Often the reflex is perceived as annoying, because it is difficult to control and tortures those affected, especially at night. Coughing is a protective mechanism to remove foreign bodies, mucus or dust from the airways. In acute cough, a distinction is made between dry and productive cough. In both cases, phytopharmaceuticals, so herbal remedies are suitable for treatment. They are available over the counter at the pharmacy and are well tolerated by patients.

Coughing can be a symptom of various illnesses such as bronchitis or pneumonia. In most cases, only a cold is behind it, with viruses or bacteria causing inflammation of the bronchial mucosa. Acute cough associated with a cold can last up to three weeks and is divided into dry and productive cough. Dry cough usually occurs at the beginning of a cold as a result of the inflamed bronchial mucosa. This is very irritated and reacts quickly with a coughing fit, therefore, this species is also called irritating cough. In productive coughing, the bronchial tubes produce increased mucus, which is expelled to purify the airways. Often, however, the secretion is stuck in the bronchi and can not cough, which is often unpleasant for those affected.

The power of nature. (Image: Alexander Raths /

Natural treatment options
"The therapy depends on the type of cough. A dry cough is about quenching your throat. In the case of the productive species, on the other hand, the mucus solution is in the foreground ", says Isabel Justus, Managing Director of the Bremen Pharmacist Chamber. In both cases, there are various herbal supplements that relieve the symptoms. In the case of dry cough, cough suppressants are administered containing, for example, Icelandic moss, ribwort leaves or marshmallow root. These herbal remedies have slime-forming sugars that protect and soothe the mouth and throat mucosa.

In case of productive cough, cough remover, so-called expectorants, are used. In the pharmacy, patients receive medications containing thyme herb singly or in combination with primrose root or ivy. These agents have an expectorant effect and promote the ejection. Patients should use these during the day so that the mucus can be coughed off during the day. The guidelines of the German Society of General Medicine and Family Medicine (DEGAM) and the German Society of Pneumology and Respiratory Medicine (DGP) confirm the efficacy of extracts of thyme, ivy and primrose root as a result of two randomized controlled trials.

Also, essential oils such as eucalyptus or pine needle oil have expectorant and anti-inflammatory. However, when taking the enteric-coated capsules no hot drinks should be consumed, as the capsules otherwise dissolve in the stomach. "In infants and toddlers using essential oils is not advisable. There is a risk of cramping the larynx, which can result in respiratory arrest. Therefore, treatment should only be given under medical supervision, "explains Justus. In addition, sufficient fluid, light exercise and saline inhalation aids in mucus solution and coughing. If there is no improvement in a cold after seven days, including the use of cough torments or cough teasers, patients should go to the doctor. Even with high fever, shortness of breath, bloody sputum or pain in the chest, a doctor should be consulted.