Respiratory diseases Increased sickness due to colds

Respiratory diseases Increased sickness due to colds / Health News

Every sixth day of absence due to colds

Last year it had been reported that the flu epidemic caused the highest sickness rate for years. But colds also caused many days off. In addition, many employees had to stay home from work because of back problems and mental illness.

Cold wave influences the sick leave

Cough, runny nose, hoarseness: In the cold season, it is not unusual to catch a flu infection, the "simple" cold. The severity of the cold wave in winter also has a significant influence on whether the sick leave rate in Germany's companies rises or falls. This reports the technicians health insurance (TK) in a recent release.

Four out of ten sick leave were due to respiratory illness last year. (Image: RFBSIP /

Four out of ten sick leave due to respiratory disease

The TK reports for 2018 a slightly increased sickness rate of 4.23 percent (+2.2 percent). On average, working people were on sick leave last year for 15.5 days. According to the information, two and a half days of this were accounted for by respiratory diseases.

"Traditionally we have two cold waves in winter - one in November and one in the second half of February," explained Albrecht Wehner, responsible for health reporting at TK.

"The sick leave depends mainly on how strong they are. In 2018, every sixth day of absence went back to a cold, flu and Co. "

According to TK, this corresponds to an increase of almost ten percent in respiratory diseases alone. As the communication states, there are both longer and longer sick leave periods.

Statistically, nearly four out of ten sick leave in 2018 was due to such a diagnosis. Each respiratory sick leave took on average 6.6 days, 0.3 days longer than the year before.

Preventive can do little

According to Wehner, there is little preventative measures against respiratory diseases.

"Of course you can do a lot for your immune system, for example with sports," said the TK health expert.

"Hygienic measures also complicate the transmission, but in principle you can do little against colds. But they have to be cured well. "

For self-treatment of flu and colds, it is important, among other things, to drink a lot and to rest. In addition, there are many home remedies that help against cold sores.

Back and soul also cause high absenteeism

In diseases that are lifestyle or work-related, prevention is easier.

Mental disorders and musculoskeletal disorders are also the leading causes of absenteeism with 2.8 and 2.7 days, respectively.

For complaints that are due to lack of exercise or caused by stress, Wehner sees employers and employees in the duty:

"Here can be much avoided with measures of occupational health management," said the expert.

"We now know that an unhealthy work culture also increases the risk of chronic illness and long-term absences. This in turn results in high financial burdens for both the healthcare system and the company itself. "

20 missing days per head

Regionally, there were also significant differences in absenteeism in the past year. The highest sickness rate recorded the TK in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania with 5.49 percent.

"This corresponds to an average of 20 days lost per capita, which is the first time we have reached the mark of 20 days lost per year in one federal state," explained Albrecht Wehner.

The lowest absenteeism was also in 2018 in Baden-Württemberg with an average of 12.7 days and a sick leave rate of 3.48 percent.

"Last year in an enterprise with 1,000 employees in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, an average of 55 employees were missing each day, and in Baden-Württemberg only 35," says the expert. (Ad)