Asylum seekers refused to help the child

Asylum seekers refused to help the child / Health News

Doormen of the Zirndorf reception center refuse emergency call


Incredible: Several employees of the central reception center for asylum seekers (ZAE) in Zirndorf (Bavaria) have refused to help a seriously ill 1.5-year-old boy. According to the Bavarian Refugee Council, the parents from Serbia had asked the porters of the facility to call an ambulance for their obviously ill son - but instead of following suit, they were asked to get a medical certificate first. Now, the case is being heard in the district court in Fürth, in which the persons responsible for the intentional assault are accused of failure to provide assistance.

Employees demand sickness insurance instead of help
It is hard to believe what three employees of the Central reception center for asylum seekers in Zirndorf (ZAE) is currently accused in a case before the District Court Fürth: As the native of Serbia parents Jovica and Klaudija Petrovic in December 2011 in the morning at 7 am the gatekeeper of Zirndorfer Receptionists ask to call a doctor or ambulance for their seriously ill one-and-a-half-year-old son Leonardo, they refuse the help after information from the Bavarian Refugee Council. Instead, they ask the family to first get the necessary medical certificate, which the administration in Zirndorf according to the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act for a medical treatment must issue - but the office opened only at 9 clock.

Boy probably gets infected with meningococci in the initial reception center
According to the Bavarian Refugee Council, the boy had been living in the initial reception center for 10 days at the time and was probably infected with meningococci there „Waterhouse-Friedrichsen syndrome“ triggered and led to a blood coagulation disorder. As a result, the body of the boy was covered with black spots, besides, he had 40 ° fever and was completely apathetic. „I lay on my knees and begged for help“, according to the dpa news agency - but the help of the janitors was missing.

Boy lifelong drawn by scars and amputated fingers and toes
Even after finally another employee of the institution had issued the necessary medical certificate, this also did not call an ambulance, but was the view, the way to walk to the nearest doctor was „reasonable“. Finally, the family set off in their distress - to the medical center four kilometers away, in summer clothes at minus 3 ° C outside and first found help in a car driver who picked it up and finally provided for the necessary medical care. As a result, the child was fortunately rescued, but according to the Refugee Council will be marked for life by 25 skin grafts and amputated fingers and toes.

Employees of willful bodily injury accused of failure to provide assistance
Since Tuesday, the case is now being heard in the district court in Fürth, according to the dpa, the accused of deliberate injury by neglected assistance gatekeeper have not yet commented on the allegations. In addition to a stand-by doctor must answer in court, which had been called the night before in the ZAE, because the parents assumed that her son feverish. According to the public prosecutor, the doctor may have investigated only superficially and thus failed to recognize the serious situation - the reason for the accusation of negligent assault.

Leonardo „managed almost to death“
For the Bavarian Refugee Council, which had reported the responsible persons in EA Zirndorf together with family Petrovic, an incredible behavior, by which the then 15-month-old Leonardo would almost have died: „Refugees who are housed in an initial reception center are dependent on the behavior of the local staff for the greatest benefit. In the EA Zirndorf they are managed ice cold - Leonardo almost to death. Minister of Social Affairs Emilia Müller must ensure that refugees in Zirndorf are treated like human beings and not kept in the warehouse like general cargo“, said Alexander Thal, spokesman for the Bavarian Refugee Council. (No)

Picture: Helene Souza