Asthmatics should clarify job choice with the doctor

Asthmatics should clarify job choice with the doctor / Health News

Discuss asthma risk with your doctor prior to choosing a profession


Allergy sufferers and asthmatics risk special risks in certain professions, which is why, ideally, a conversation with the doctor should be carried out prior to the job selection. To avoid a worsening of existing asthma by choosing a career, the Association of German Plant and Factory Physicians (VDBW) advises the affected adolescents to have an intensive exchange with their doctor before deciding on the future professional activity.

Some occupations, such as the bakery or carpentry trade, are particularly unsuitable for asthmatics, according to the Association of German Plant and Factory Physicians. There is a high risk that the profession will worsen the state of health of asthmatics, said Wolfgang Panter from the Association of German Plant and Factory Physicians in a recent release of the news agency „dpa“. In the worst case, asthma can become so serious that people can no longer practice their job. Young asthmatics should therefore take this into account in their career choice urgently.

Bakers and carpenters particularly endangered by asthma
In the bakery profession, the flour, in the carpentry the sawdust to considerable irritation of the respiratory tract, which can cause massive difficulties especially asthmatics. The risk of worsening the disease through the choice of career should therefore discuss adolescents intensively with their doctor before they decide to appropriate training, advises the VDBW. In this way it can be estimated whether the desired activity is compatible with the disease. Generally less burdensome for asthmatics are usually office jobs and jobs in the educational or social field. Wolfgang Panter also recommends that young asthmatics undergo an internship in the desired field of activity before choosing a career, in order to better assess the effects on their asthma. (Fp)

Picture credits: Herbert Käfer