Asthma Incorrect inhalation techniques hinder disease control

Asthma Incorrect inhalation techniques hinder disease control / Health News
Proper use of inhalers is essential for asthma control
In asthma with appropriate drugs, a relatively good control of the symptoms is possible, but stands and falls the asthma control with the correct inhalation of the prescribed drugs, according to the "doctors newspaper". Instructions for learning the inhalation technique as well as numerous other information have now been made available online by the journal.

The multimedia module "Lungs in Not" of the "Ärzte Zeitung" aims to provide patients and doctors with the right inhaling techniques. Because the control of the disease requires a correct handling of the inhaler. Also, for example, the module provides guidance to physicians regarding the differential diagnosis between asthma and COPD.

Turquoise asthma inhaler on white background with metal bottle

Problems with asthma therapy
"Many asthma patients are impaired in their daily lives despite therapy," reports the "Ärzte Zeitung". For the attending physicians it is important that patients exchange with you about problems in connection with the therapy and already help the multimedia module, which was released for the World Asthma Day on 3 May. In short films, the 42-year-old asthma patient Sabine reports as the main person about her experience as an asthma patient with diagnostics and therapy. Your problems will probably also have many other sufferers. For example, she reports that proper training is required for asthma therapy and that only practice makes perfect - especially when handling the asthma device correctly.

Tips for proper inhalation
However, the new info module also provides tips for supporting the correct use of inhalers. With the "10 tips for proper inhalation" many mistakes can be avoided from the outset. For example, a major appeal reads: "Make sure that the device still contains enough active ingredient before use," says the "Ärzte Zeitung". Also, patients are prompted to remove the protective cap prior to use and to ensure that the nozzle in the mouthpiece is not clogged. With videos, soundtracks, checklist and much information about the topic of asthma, the new online module is intended as comprehensive assistance for those affected.

Differential diagnosis COPD and asthma
Different symbols also indicate in the module which information has been created especially for doctors and for both doctors and their patients, explains the "Ärzte Zeitung". For doctors, for example, the instructions for differential diagnosis are particularly worth reading. Differentiation between asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is not always easy in adults. However, causes, treatment and prognosis of both clinical pictures differ very clearly from each other. For this reason, the physicians are reminded in the module of the typical signs of asthma and COPD, such as the episodic respiratory distress associated with asthma, which initially occurs in COPD only under stress. Also, the frequent simultaneous presence of an allergy is typical for asthma. Furthermore, the new module provides information on the "asthma COPD overlap syndrome (ACOS), a hybrid of both diseases," reports the "Ärzte Zeitung". (Fp)