Asthma increases the risk of fractures

Asthma increases the risk of fractures / Health News

Boys with asthma are particularly likely to suffer broken bones

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory respiratory disease that affects many people worldwide. Does asthma affect not only our breathing, but also the stability of our bones? Researchers have now found that there is a link between asthma and bone fractures, but this affects boys more often than girls.

Is it possible that there is an association between bone fractures and asthma? The researchers from the University of Melbourne found in their recent research that children are actually at greater risk for fractures when they have asthma. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health".

Asthma affects many people around the world. Researchers found that asthma increases the likelihood of broken bones. Boys are particularly affected. (Image: bubutu /

Every seventh child has asthma

Children are often affected by asthma. It is estimated that every seventh child suffers from the disease. The disease should not be underestimated, it can lead to dangerous effects on health. Asthma can restrict breathing and even kill if the condition is not treated properly.

Physicians examined more than 16,000 subjects

More than 16,000 students were studied for the study. This research is the largest study of its kind, the researchers say. The experts found that the severity of asthma was associated with a radiographically confirmed fracture in children, which is more likely to affect boys than girls, study author says. Brennan-Olsen from the University of Melbourne. When boys are ill with asthma, they are 30 percent more likely to have a fracture compared to girls with asthma.

Why are boys more affected??

At first, people might think that boys are more likely to break a bone with their habits. But the increased risk of fractures remains at a later stage (puberty) Brennan-Olsen. In children, bone development continues until about the age of 20. When boys mature physically, their bone development is less advanced. Increased rates of fracture are related to bone mineralization, which is decreasing in bone growth. Brennan-Olsen added.

Patients should continue to take medication

The results show that the increase in fractures is not related to the corticosteroids. This is good news because these steroids are used to treat asthma, say the doctors. So, the recommendation for people with asthma is: take your meds and continue doing physical exercises to maintain bone strength.

These tips make for stronger bones

Dr. Brennan-Olsen has some advice for people to strengthen their bones and thus avoid broken bones. The expert advises that you should take sufficient calcium daily, so a calcium deficiency can be avoided. Also make sure you get enough sunlight. So you can make sure that your body produces enough vitamin D. Regularly perform activities that challenge your bones, adds the physician. (As)