Aromatherapy for nausea after surgery

Aromatherapy for nausea after surgery / Health News

Study shows success of aromatherapy for nausea after surgery


Patients often suffer from nausea and vomiting after surgery. A study now examined the benefits of aromatic oils (aromatherapy) for these conditions.

The American scientists wanted to know which aroma oil essences affect the postoperative nausea. They examined 303 subjects with nausea after surgery. Using a 4-point scale, the intensity of nausea was measured. Patients were randomized into four groups. One group inhaled a normal saline solution (placebo) on waking up after surgery. The second group smelled of a 70% alcohol solution. The third and fourth groups inhaled a ginger oil essence or a mixture of various essences such as ginger, spearmint, peppermint and cardamom oils.

The ginger oil essence and the mixture of different essences were superior to the alcohol and the salt solution. Especially the participants, who had smelled the cocktail of several essences, needed less additional antiemetics. (Hunt R, Dienemann J, Norton J et al .: Aromatherapy as treatment for postoperative nausea: a randomized trial, Anesth Analg 2013; 117 597-604)

Picture: Rike