Unemployment changes our personality

Health risk: Unemployment changes the psyche
The fact that unemployment has an effect on health has already been established in several studies. A new UK study now finds that unemployment is rapidly destroying the personality. Apparently the psyche changes the more, the longer the unemployment lasts.
Unemployment makes you sick
In recent years, various studies of unemployment have confirmed that diseases are favored. For example, prolonged unemployment increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Most importantly, scientists have found a link between unemployment and mental illness. As „gegen-hartz.de“ reported, the mental damage caused by unemployment is greater than previously thought.
Less considerate and understanding
According to the report, a recent study by the Scottish University of Stirling comes to this conclusion. Not only the personal well-being suffers from the unemployment, but also the personality core changes unfavorably. According to the message, the personality structure has always been considered constant. However, researchers in the UK have now found that people who have experience of unemployment have a marked reduction in the sense of duty, understanding and openness „pressetext.com“. According to the unemployed act less considerate and understanding. These changes are said to be greater the longer unemployment lasts.
Stronger personality change during prolonged unemployment
„The results of the study suggest the idea that our personality is unchanging. External factors, such as unemployment, can have a major impact on the foundation of our personality“, said the lead author of the study, Christopher Boyce. At a time interval of four years, the subjects of the study had to complete two personality tests. It is reported that all were in employment at the first time, four years later the study participants were either still in wages and bread, were unemployed or temporarily without income. It is said that those most affected by the personality change experienced the longest period without employment.
Unemployed people are stigmatized
Furthermore, the report states that this makes it clear that the effects of unemployment not only have an economic component. Unjustly, the unemployed are also stigmatized for their personality changes, which leads to a downward spiral in the labor market. „Politics, therefore, has a key role to play in society in trying to keep unemployment low and give the unemployed great support“, the authors conclude.
Depression can lead to unemployment
However, there can also be an inverse relationship between unemployment and mental illness. For example, the Chairman of the Board of the German Depressions Aid Foundation, Prof. Dr. med. Ulrich Hegerl, last year pointed out that depression and other mental illness can lead to unemployment and make it difficult to get back to work. In Leipzig, they responded to the problem. There, affected Jobcenter customers receive as part of the model project „Psychosocial coaching“ Information about her illness and advice on treatment options. There is also the opportunity to participate in group programs, such as stress reduction or relaxation exercises. (Ad)
Picture: Dr. Klaus-Uwe Gerhardt