Unemployment makes ill Sport helps

Sport and active exercise can prevent illness during unemployment
People who lose their jobs often experience a serious emotional crisis. The lack of money on every corner is just a problem. Many sufferers are increasingly suffering from health problems - of any physical and psychological nature.
Lack of structures and recognition
Anyone who loses his job and does not find a job after a long job search often suffers from a personal crisis. The financial restrictions are just one of many problems. Unemployment is a big burden for most people. What is missing is in many cases a recurring daily structure. „Many feel that they are suddenly out of society“, reports the occupational physician Dr. Steffi Kreuzfeld from the University of Rostock. The jobseeker lacks solid structures and recognition in the opinion of the physician. Both provided the job before.
At the moment of unemployment, many tend to no longer care about their health. Some studies statistically indicate an increased disease risk. "Unemployment becomes a stress of its own kind", summarized, for example, the study author and researcher Wilhelm Adamy, who a few years ago on behalf of the German Trade Union Confederation, the health of Hartz IV recipients examined.
To become aware of the danger
It can help to become aware of the danger of the disease, advises the doctor. Sport can help a lot to improve health enormously. Therefore Kreuzfeld advises: „Jobseekers should force themselves to do sports“. It does not have to be expensive either. For example, anyone who has not yet registered in a sports club can do so quickly and easily. Membership is often not expensive. In addition to the promotion of health, new friendships can be established with the members of the association. It is not uncommon for new social contacts to lead to new job perspectives. „The movement also reduces stress.“
Massive pressure through the job center
But often unemployed people are under massive pressure. The job center or employment agency encourages those affected to write countless applications, to hold job interviews or to continue their education. Although it is good in the view of the expert, actively to take care of a new job, but it helps nothing to neglect health. The result is only sick. (Sb)
Picture: Gerd Altmann