Workers often get sick

Increased sick leave in the first half of 2015
The number of sick leave increased again in the first half of 2015. This reports the DAK health. According to a recent evaluation of the health insurance company, the sick leave increased to 4.1 percent, which corresponds to an increase of 0.3 percentage points compared to the same period of the previous year (3.8%).
Colds especially often reason for certificate
As the DAK Health informs, slightly more than one in three professionals (38.3 percent) was on sick leave at least once in the first half of the current year. This was often the cause of colds, in which the number of absentee days increased by 53 percent. "The rise in sick leave is not dramatic. There are always cold waves, "says DAK CEO Herbert Rebscher. "This year, however, the colds were particularly persistent."
Professionals in the East are more frequently on sick leave
Every fifth day of absence (20.6 percent) was reported to be due to musculoskeletal disorders, such as Back pain causes. Likewise, mental illnesses were relatively often the reason for the "yellow glow" with 15 percent (previous year: 16 percent). Mental illnesses had a very long duration of illness with an average of 36.5 days, whereas in the first half of the year it was 11.7 days across all disease groups.
In addition, the evaluation of the DAK showed a regional difference in the days of absence: Because while the sick leave in the West was four percent, the working people from the eastern federal states came to five percent. (No)
Picture: Andrea Damm