Workers in certain professions with significantly higher risk of rheumatoid arthritis

Researchers have now found that certain occupations increase the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis. Certain work-related factors may therefore contribute to the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis.
The scientists of the Karolinska Institutet in Sweden found in their study that there are some professions which lead to an increased risk for the development of rheumatoid arthritis. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "Arthritis Care & Research".

Environmental influences with far-reaching effects
There are certain work-related factors, such as airborne pollutants, that increase the likelihood of rheumatoid arthritis. Environmental factors generally play a major role in the development of rheumatoid arthritis because they trigger autoimmune reactions in susceptible individuals, the experts explain.
Physicians analyze data from 3,522 people with rheumatoid arthritis
To examine whether certain occupational risks and exposures are involved in the development of rheumatoid arthritis, the scientists analyzed a total of 3,522 people with rheumatoid arthritis. In addition, the physicians still examined 5,580 people as a control group. For their work, the researchers used the data from the so-called EIRA study. This study collected information on environmental, genetic and immunological factors collected by blood samples and questionnaires between 1996 and 2014.
Masons and concrete workers have a threefold increased risk of rheumatoid arthritis
The research team noted that male workers in manufacturing have a higher risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis. Male electrical engineers were at twice the risk of suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, while bricklayers and concrete workers were even three times more likely to be at risk than people from administrative and technical occupations.
Assistant nurses have a slightly higher risk
For the women examined, nurses had a slightly higher risk for rheumatoid arthritis. There was no increased risk for women in the manufacturing sector, which can be explained by the relatively low number of women working in the sector, the researchers report.
Study also looked at lifestyle-related risk factors
Researchers also considered some important factors such as smoking, alcohol consumption, education level and body mass index associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Previous studies had not taken equal account of these lifestyle-related risk factors.
Further research is needed
The results of the study show that work-related factors, such as harmful substances taken up in the air, can contribute to the development of the disease. It is important that information about avoidable risk factors be shared with employees, employers and policy makers, researchers say. By reducing or eliminating known risk factors, the risk of disease can be minimized. However, further research is now required to determine the pollutants involved. Possible suspects include silica, asbestos, organic solvents and engine exhaust. (As)