Pharmacists protest by fax

Protest fax action of the pharmacist against „Sonderopfer“
With a fax action, the pharmacists protest against the compulsory discount for the statutory health insurance (SHI) on dispensed drugs. This „Sonderopfer“ was no longer acceptable given the good health of the health insurance companies. „The money of the coffers is not intended for the saving stocking, but for the health care of the insured“, stressed the president of the Landesapothekerverbandes (LAV) Baden-Württemberg, Fritz Becker, in a recent press release.
On Wednesday, the next round of negotiations between the pharmacists and the health insurance companies on the amount of the rebate, which must be paid for the delivery of drugs. The compulsory discount was „for the past two years has been raised as a special sacrifice from the policy of 1.75 euros to 2.05 euros“, to relieve the statutory health insurance, reports the LAV Baden-Württemberg. However, this special offering is now no longer necessary due to the billions in surpluses in the health fund and the health insurance. Two days before the next round of negotiations in Berlin, LAV President Fritz Becker emphasized: „It can not be that the statutory health insurance funds, despite their billion-dollar financial reserves, want to burden the pharmacies again and again in 2013 against the wishes of the legislator.“ Politicians and pharmacists agree that the starting point at the trial should be a discount of € 1.75, while the health insurances consider the € 2.05 as the basis.
Annual negotiations between health insurance companies and pharmacists
Annually, the discount on dispensed drugs between pharmacies and the statutory health insurance companies must be renegotiated. The increase to 2.05 euros per drug in the past two years was limited in time on this basis and must now be reduced, the position of the Landesapothekerverbandes. The starting point of the negotiations should therefore, according to the pharmacists, be the original € 1.75. The legislature also represents this position, but the funds refuse a corresponding reduction in the basis of negotiation and question the temporary special offer of pharmacies, according to the LAV Baden-Württemberg. Pharmacists in several states have massively asked the authorities for this with a protest fax campaign, „to reduce the burden on the pharmacist back to a reasonable and just level“, reported the state pharmacist association. The protest action is scheduled to run until Wednesday. Besides, all the others would „Contract negotiations with the health insurance funds (for example on blood glucose test strips) suspended until further notice.“
Pharmacists criticize the refusal attitude of the health insurance companies
The Pharmacists Baden-Württemberg, Saarland, Thuringia and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania participated in the fax campaign, according to the Landesapothekerverband Baden-Württemberg. The „Pharmacies have provided their savings contribution in the past two years and additionally generate more than one billion euros annually in savings for the healthcare system through the implementation of the discount agreements“, explained Fritz Becker. This benefit is not recognized by the negotiating partners on the part of health insurance. In his view, the health insurance companies show „with their current refusal that they are unwilling to pay a reasonable price for the care of their insured.“ But supply at a low price could not be the claim of our health care system. „If you demand high quality for patients, you must pay for the services accordingly“, said the LAV president.
Health insurance funds should return to constructive dialogue
The president of the Landesapothekerverband Baden-Württemberg was outraged by the refusal of the health insurance companies to accept 1.75 Euro compulsory discount as a basis for negotiations for the coming Wednesday. Obviously, the statutory health insurance companies do not want to know more about a time limit on the increased compulsory rebate „This is despite the fact that many pharmacies are suffering from austerity measures and have to close six pharmacies in Germany every week“, reports Becker. Here a return to fair negotiation among the partners of self-government is required and the determination of a fair pharmacy deduction essential. „On Wednesday, the statutory health insurance funds have one last chance to conduct a constructive dialogue in the self-administration of the health service and thus to take the care of insured seriously and to pay fair for the expected performance“, so the conclusion of the LAV President. (Fp)
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Picture: Siepmann H