Pharmacists are planning more patient counseling

Bundesvereinigung concludes perspective paper „Pharmacy 2030“
Profound changes in the pharmacies? As the General Assembly of the Federal Association of German Pharmacists Associations (ABDA) has recently decided, among other things, more consultation in the pharmacies will take place in the future, thereby promoting a permanent pharmacist-patient bond. Physicians and health insurance companies, however, are skeptical of the plans.
Regular counseling patient talks scheduled in the pharmacist
The pharmacies seem to be undergoing major restructuring. As the general meeting of the Federal Association of German Pharmacists Associations (ABDA) currently reports, is the perspective paper „Pharmacy 2030“ in its current version has been accepted by ABDA affiliates. „We want to offer the patient, to bind himself permanently to his pharmacist, in much the same way as to a doctor, "said ABDA President Friedemann Schmidt to the" Welt. "This aspect could be particularly beneficial for people who are affected by chronic diseases , because in addition to the conventional operation in the future also regular counseling patient discussions by the pharmacist are planned, which - similar to the doctor - with a previous appointment in the pharmacy should take place.
Relief for doctors?
Even those who permanently take the same medication, according to Schmidt von der „Pharmacy 2030“ benefit, since in the future for a follow - on recipe no doctor 's visit would be necessary - instead, the patients could simply this in „Of their“ Pick up the pharmacy. „Since we could relieve the doctors“, so Schmidt further opposite the „world“, Above all, it would be better to coordinate the supply of medication, because, as Schmidt points out, people would still die because they can not cope with their own medications.
Goal: Continuous analysis of patient medication
In this context, be the perspective paper „Pharmacy 2030“ according to also a future one „medication management“ planned, which as „an essential tool for safe, effective and economical drug therapy“ should act. „Here is the
The patient's entire medication, including self-medication, is continuously analyzed. The goal is to avoid or detect and solve drug-related problems, thereby increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of drug therapy.“
Additional allowances required for Refom
However, according to the ABDA President, the planned consultation and appointment in the pharmacies is not intended as a free service; instead, pharmacists are demanding additional payments for additional services: „In addition to the previous base salary, which is based on the pack submitted, we need a second pillar of compensation. "Schmidt further told the newspaper Demand, because „One of the core tasks of a pharmacist is the good counseling of patients, and they are already well paid for this today, "said Florian Lanz, spokesman for the umbrella association of statutory health insurance for the newspaper. There is a risk that the boundaries between the core competencies of the pharmacist and the doctor may be softened, as the general practitioner would normally know the details of his patients: „He also knows best which medication the patient needs“, Lanz continues.
Picture: Siepmann H