Pharmacies Bad advice for sore throat

Pharmacies Bad advice for sore throat / Health News

In pharmacies you are advised badly for a sore throat


If you suffer from a sore throat and seek help for the symptoms, you will be ill advised in many pharmacies. This has been research by the NDR consumer and business magazine „market“ result. An expert speaks of one „peddles“ in pharmacies.

With sore throat one is badly advised in pharmacies
At present, many people in this country suffer from the symptoms of a cold. Patients often seek relief from medication. But those who go to a pharmacy to get remedies for sore throats are often ill-advised. This has at least research by the NDR consumer and business magazine „market“ result. (Broadcast: Monday, February 2, 8:15 pm, NDR Television). According to this, nine out of ten pharmacies have only recommended medicines from one manufacturer. And that without questioning the customer about possible incompatibilities. Pharmacologists criticize the result and speak of one „peddles“ in pharmacies.

In almost all pharmacies products of a manufacturer were recommended
As it says in a press release of the NDR, the „market“-Reporters in ten pharmacies with sore throat and received lozenges everywhere, at different prices. A pharmacy sold medicines for sore throats for almost 32 euros. What was particularly striking was that products from Dobendan were recommended in nine of the ten pharmacies. Professor Gerd Glaeske, pharmacologist and head of the Department of Health Economics, Health Policy and Health Services Research at the University of Bremen, commented critically: „This shows that the marketing of manufacturers works, beyond the question of whether they are useful drugs.“

Expert speaks of „peddles“
The expert continues: „Even pharmacists are influenced by advertising. I think that you have to free yourself from it. What does the manufacturer want? Of course, he wants to sell many products. What does the wholesaler want? Of course, he also wants to sell a lot. But if I go to the pharmacy, then I would like to have a reasonable consultation and not be quasi the passive seller of an advertising machinery, which has started the manufacturer.“ As has been communicated, the pharmacist association ABDA commented in writing „market“: „We can not assess the impact that marketing has on patient demands and, as a consequence, on the stockholding of pharmacies.“

Medicines with unwanted side effects
In six of the pharmacies became the drug „Dolo-Dobendan“ sold. This contains among other things the active substance Benzocain. The pharmacologist Professor Gerd Glaeske finds this problematic: „This is supposed to numb the sore throat, but it is a remedy that may cause allergies. Therefore, it is very important that the pharmacy is informed and informed accordingly. In that sense, I would always ask if I sold such a remedy, if someone reacted quickly allergic. And that does not seem to have happened to me at any point.“ The enterprise „Reckitt Benckiser“, the manufacturer of „Dolo-Dobendan“, explained opposite „market“: „As with all medicines, incompatibilities with active substances or other ingredients may occur. However, there are currently no indications that the use of Dolo-Dobendan has an increased allergy potential.“

Natural remedies for sore throat
From the point of view of naturopathy patients with appropriate complaints are usually better advised to resort to natural home remedies for sore throats. Among other things, the complaints can be soothed with soothing teas. Here are mainly sage and chamomile to call. And hot milk with honey usually not only helps against the pain, it also tastes delicious. Honey is of fundamental importance in natural medicine for colds. (Ad)

Image: Dieter Schütz