Pharmacies inform about phytotherapy

Pharmacies inform about phytotherapy / Health News

The pharmacy - the new competence center for phytotherapy


Pharmacists want to profile themselves even more clearly as a consultant to patients on all issues relating to the use of drugs, said Heinz-Günter Wolf, President of the Federal Association of German Pharmacists Associations (ABDA) recently. In this way, they meet the needs of many patients, especially in connection with herbal medicines. The popularity of phytopharmaceuticals is very large. However, if you want to track down the right product in a confusing offer, you need knowledgeable advice.

At the pharmacy, consumers will find both high quality phytopharmaceuticals and the right expert advice. Particularly pharmacists who are specifically and continuously busy with herbal medicines, inform themselves about current research and attend advanced training courses in this subject area, are the right contact persons for those seeking advice. They are experts who know what new knowledge could be gained, which herbal supplements are particularly well scientifically tested, and which manufacturers have a special ability.

As a supplementary information medium for this consultation, the Committee of Research Natural Medicine e.V. (KFN) at the end of 2011 has a „Phyto-Compass“ developed and made available to pharmacies. „The brochure met with great approval in the pharmacies“, reports Prof. Dr. med. Michael Popp, Neumarkt, „After a short time far more than one million copies have been requested.“ The KFN chairman emphasizes that the participants are delighted proof that quality prevails.

The handy one „Phyto-Compass“ provides patients with assistance in finding clinically-approved, herbal-approved herbal supplements. He explains easily understandable differences between medicinal products from plants and herbal supplements to supplements, explains the quality criteria for high-quality plant medicines and gives tips on the selection of the required preparation. In view of the great success of the brochure, the KFN plans this year to expand the range of information and to develop further compass issues. (KFN)

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Image: Leonora Black