Applications for sciatic pain with the help of naturopathy and osteopathy

Naturheilkude: help with sciatic pain
Sciatic pain is referred to when pain typically radiates from the buttocks to the back of the thigh and the calves (on the back or on the outside) usually on one side to the ankle area. In addition to the conventional causes, from the point of view of naturopathy numerous causes come into question. Mostly there is no malignant disease behind the discomfort, so that with classical naturopathic treatments, e.g. according to Sebastian Kneipp or Hildegard von Bingen, or manual forms of therapy such as the fascistic distortion model (FDM), Rolfing or osteopathy, relief or remedy can be brought about. It is advantageous that some of the applications can be carried out even at home.
Applications and Tips for Sciatic Pain:
Sciatic pain is nerve pain
Natural healing for pain relief
Medical hay flower bath after pastor Kneipp
Tips from the Hildegard medicine
Recurrent sciatic pain
Manual therapy forms
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Sciatic pain is nerve pain
Sciatic pain is nerve pain
The sciatic pain should actually be a nerve pain (neuralgia) in which z.T. drag violent pains of the cross, hips, and buttocks along the back of the thigh, radiating across the calf muscle to the ankle. On this pain line, the course of the sciatic nerve Sciatic nerve Followed by, are located at regular intervals very tender points, especially in the area of the buttocks, the thigh back, the buttocks, the popliteal fossa, the calf back and the outer ankle. Lying on the pain-free side of the symptoms temporarily, in supine, the tightening of the affected leg brings relief. The classic test for sciatica irritation, the so-called Lasegue test, with a raised leg extension, is now rarely used, as it is highly controversial. In response to the pain is often taken a restraint by the affected legs only minimally stressed and held bent. If the musculature recedes or if the Achilles tendon reflex persists with ongoing discomfort, neuritis can also be involved.

Natural healing for pain relief
Whether the irritation in the course of the sciatic nerve was caused by pressure, overexertion, muscle tension or cold, the pain is always in the foreground of the complaints. If tumor growth and herniated disc are excluded, a noticeable pain relief is the target for the person concerned. Anyone who wants to give up painkillers, can find here in the writings of the "old healer" proven measures for self-use, such as the hay flower bath after Kneipp or the herbal compress of St. Hildegard.
Medical hay flower bath after pastor Kneipp
Apart from the acute attack, where there is overheating due to the inflammatory process, warming treatments (as with other forms of back pain) are usually also felt as pain relieving and soothing in the case of sciatica. For sciatic complaints and lumbago, a medical warm bath is best, which should not exceed 20 minutes at a water temperature of 35-37 ° C.
The means of choice as a supplement to warming applications are hay flowers. Hay flowers have a detoxifying effect by stimulating the metabolism and have a regulating effect on the nervous system. Therefore, they are well suited in the treatment of sciatic pain with or without inflammatory involvement of the nerves (neuritis). In addition, the blood circulation is stimulated, so that the entire organism benefits from the effects and the immune system is strengthened. Before use, however, it should be checked as a precautionary measure whether there is an allergy to hay flowers (hay fever) in order to avoid excessive reactions.
Today, there are application-friendly extracts and bath products to buy in health food stores and pharmacies. If you prefer a bath additive from your own production, put one kilo of fresh hay flowers filled in a linen bag into two liters of cold water and let it cook for 20 minutes. The decoction is simply added to the bath water as an additive.
Tips from the Hildegard medicine
Hildegard von Bingen, one of the great women of naturopathy, has come to Ischialgie to a warm parsley-rue-olive oil pack, by which the pain should subside within 24 hours. A pack or compress is a damp pad that is wrapped with a cloth to secure it. Especially warm or hot compresses are very good for relieving pain.
To make the package, 10g of fresh parsley leaves and 40g of grape leaves are chopped finely in 100ml of olive oil and placed warm with a gauze bandage or tied, where they should remain for one to two hours. From the Hildegard Healing History is known that a jasper disc, which is attached to the sciatic nerve over three days and nights (nowadays with Leukoplast), should also soothe the nerve pain.
Recurrent sciatic pain
For recurring pelvic nerve complaints, it is advisable to seek professional help in a naturopathic practice. The sciatica can be based on interference fields by latent inflammatory foci (through dead teeth, smoldering sinusitis, tonsils), which should be found to be suppressed. According to Far East model, e.g. In traditional Chinese medicine, sciatica has a strong relation to the bladder meridian, z. also to the gallbladder. Accordingly, fortifying medicinal herbs are prescribed or acupuncture points treated. If constipation persists, diet and lifestyle should be highlighted and adjusted. In cases of strong muscle tension, relaxation procedures or psychotherapy can help.

Manual therapy forms
Sufferers often indicate a point in the buttocks from which the pain radiates down the leg. In the body language after FDM, this is seen as a piece of tissue that has passed through the muscle layers and needs to be pushed back. Recent anatomical representations in Prometheus anatomy Atlases seem to feed on this theory. The pulling down of the leg is seen as a twisting of the connective tissue, which is traversed with the thumb technique and thus brought back into the physiological form. Recent representations of the Italian anatomin Carla Stecco, according to which the outer layer of the vessels (adventitia) merges into the cladding layers (fascia) of the muscles, could also give a boost to this theory and explain in part spectacular treatment success of this concept, even with diagnosed herniated disc (BSV). (Dipl.Päd. Jeanette Viñals Stein, Naturopath and Thorsten Fischer, Naturopath Osteopathy)
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The Handbook of Naturopathy, Kindler Verlag GmbH 1975
Strehlow, W .: Hildegard medicine from A-Z, Weltbild 20016351a2cc0b08c03