Instruction by telephone Daughter performs pressure massage on father and rescues him

Using a phone call, a young woman performed a pressure massage on her father and presumably saved his life. The daughter revived the 55-year-old until after six minutes the ambulance arrived.

Daughter rescues father
A young woman in Dusseldorf may have saved her father's life with a telephone-led revival. As the fire department reported on Friday, the daughter of the 55-year-olds with a pressure massage revived until after six minutes the rescue team arrived and took over the treatment. A message from the news agency dpa According to the wife had dialed the distress call, the daughter performed after detailed instructions by the phone put on "phone" First Aid. As a result, the father has a very good chance of fully recovering, the doctors reported later.
More education needed
The potentially life-saving action is a good occasion to point out the importance of educating more people about the issue. The majority of Germans do not know what to do in a medical emergency. Such knowledge is taught, among other things, in first aid courses. The German Red Cross (DRC) had announced in the spring to shorten these, so that first aid can be learned faster. It is also good to know that cardiac pressure massage is the most important step instead of mouth-to-mouth ventilation in the case of acute cardiac arrest. (Ad)