Antibacterial products always superfluous

Antibacterial products always superfluous / Health News
Eco-test: Antibacterial products not recommended


Antibacterial products are available today in almost every supermarket, but none of the products is recommended, reports the magazine "Ökotest". Although the promise of antimicrobial agents to wegzuputzen up to 99 percent of all bacteria and viruses, but they can not keep this promise, according to "Ökotest". Of the 24 tested antibacterial products such as liquid soaps, disinfectant gels, sanitary towels or sprays for surfaces, none of them met the testers' requirements. At worst, the funds could even lead to increased development of resistance, warns "Ökotest", citing the Federal Environmental Agency.

The antibacterial products are quite popular among consumers, for example to quickly disinfect their hands on the go, to wipe the child's dropped pacifier or to clean the toilet seat surface. In every supermarket or drugstore the antibacterial products are to be found today, reports "Ökotest". The producers would not be unsuccessful in their efforts to protect consumers from viruses and bacteria. But none of the tested antibacterial products could convince. "Average household hygiene does not require the use of antimicrobial agents," according to the journal.

Antibacterial agents in the test
The antibacterial agents are promoted with promises such as: "eliminates 99.99 percent of all germs." The testers have therefore asked manufacturers, with which substances to achieve the promised effects, and to provide evidence of antibacterial efficacy as well as for asked the hygienic benefit. In addition, according to the journal, the products were tested in the laboratory for potentially harmful ingredients such as DEP (plasticizer used for the oxidation of alcohol), biocidal quaternary ammonium compounds, formaldehyde / splitters, halogenated organic compounds and isothiazolinones. However, none of the antibacterial products were able to do better than "satisfactory" in the current test. Whereby, according to "Ökotest", this means that "the products offer the consumer no hygienic advantage over the regular washing with soap and water goes. "

Correct use of antibacterial agents to ensure
In general, it should be noted that any active substance used in a disinfectant only acts against certain microorganisms, reports "Ökotest", citing the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR). Therefore, the products can not be used universally, but the consumers would have to check theoretical, "against what and especially in what dose the antibacterial agents act." In addition, the prescribed exposure must be strictly adhered to in order to kill the germs safely. A correct application of the products in the private household is according to the data of the BfR hardly to ensure. (Fp)

: stefan