Birth control pills recall risk of pregnancy despite taking the pill

Birth control pills recall risk of pregnancy despite taking the pill / Health News

Recall for contraceptive pill: Women could get pregnant despite taking the drug

Because the tablet packaging is printed incorrectly, the pharmaceutical manufacturer Pfizer calls back several batches of a contraceptive pill. According to the information there is a risk of an unwanted pregnancy despite taking the preparations.

No reliable protection

Fast, safe and comfortable: many women still rely on hormonal contraceptive methods. No wonder - when taken and used properly, birth control pills usually provide reliable protection and sexual freedom. But with some preparations of the pharmaceutical manufacturer Pfizer this protection is not necessarily given.

The pharmaceutical manufacturer Pfizer recalls several batches of a contraceptive pill. Due to a faulty printed revenue order application errors threaten. (Image: Wolfilser /

Incorrectly printed revenue order
The State Office for Health and Social Affairs (Lageso) in Berlin informs in a communication about a recall as well as a so-called Rote-Hand-Brief of the company Pfizer Pharma to the contraceptive pill Trigoa®.

It should be noted that blisters from three batches of this preparation have a misprinted collection order on the blisters.

"There may be a risk of an unwanted pregnancy from the resulting potential medical malpractice," the statement says.

Women taking the contraceptive Trigoa® of the affected lots X34106, X51153 and W98332 in the period from 27.11. - 03.12.2018 are requested to return the medicines through the pharmacies. (Ad)