Anti-Smoke Treatment New smoking cessation method in the test

Anti-Smoke Treatment New smoking cessation method in the test / Health News

New Smoke Stop Study Will Help Heavy Smokers Stop

Just put the cigarettes away and never touch them again. What some former smokers succeeded in is inconceivable for most heavy smokers. Despite several attempts to quit, they repeatedly resort to smoldering stalks. According to the University Hospital Freiburg 97 percent of all heavy smokers manage no exit without professional help. In a recent study, two anti-smoking cures will now be tested to give up smoking on people who have tried in vain.

The Tumor Center Freiburg, with the support of the German Cancer Aid, is testing two new methods of smoking cessation. For this purpose, still wanting smokers are sought. A study will examine whether a six-week outpatient or a nine-day inpatient weaning is more effective.

In a recent study, it should be clarified whether an inpatient or an outpatient cessation cure for heavy smokers is more effective. (Image: ra2 studio /

Outpatient or inpatient - which is more effective?

The outpatient weaning can be done at several places throughout Germany with certified weaning therapists. The stationary smoking cessation takes place in the Breisgau Clinic in Bad Krozingen. At present, 274 subjects are still sought, who want to participate in the study. The resulting costs are largely taken over.

Tailor-made weaning cure

"Without professional help, the risk of recurrence of heavy smokers is 97 percent," says study leader Dr. med. Jens Leifert in a press release on the upcoming study. The study will now investigate whether an outpatient or a stationary weaning cure is more effective. In addition, it should be ascertained whether one of the two forms of therapy is better suited for certain persons.

To participate?

People who are 18 years or older and smoke at least 10 cigarettes daily are eligible for the study. Persons with alcohol or other drug problems, pregnant women and people with other serious medical conditions are excluded from the study. Costs for the therapy, accommodation, food, arrival and departure will be refunded. The subjects only have to pay a personal contribution of 50 euros. If you are interested, you can find more information here: Study on inpatient smoking cessation. (Vb)