Anti-homeopathy actions stopped

Anti-homeopathy actions stopped / Health News

Anti-homeopathy opponents plan no more actions


Under the title 10:23 - Homeopathy, there's nothing in it homeopathy opponents staged the public taking of one in 2010 and 2011 „overdose“ homeopathic medicines to demonstrate the ineffectiveness of homeopathic remedies under the eyes of the media. The campaign was launched by the Merseyside Skeptics Society in the UK. In Germany, the Society for the Scientific Investigation of Parasitic Sciences (GWUP) undertook the implementation and mobilization of anti-homeopathy activists.

Originally, the campaign was designed so that once a year an action „public overdose“ takes place at different places at the same time. The logic of the GWUP: „What does not trigger even in a huge overdose side effects, probably has no main effect. Where no effect, as no side effect.“

The German Central Association of Homeopathic Physicians (DZVhÄ) had already in advance of the „Action overdose“ on the „Purposefulness and unscientificness of the 10:23 campaign“ pointed out and criticized that the GWUP also allowed children to swallow whole bottles of globules. For this year, the GWUP has no „Action overdose“ more announced.

BfArM: Overdose calls are not an explanation
Thus, the bold PR campaign with the aim of triggering negative coverage of homeopathy, for the time being failed. This is understandable against the background of the report: The German media coverage was not only quantitatively lean, many journalists also recognized the lack of substance of the „Show by bead critics“ (Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger). The WDR television invited a homeopathic doctor to classify the action. Homeopathic doctors visited the action sites and hired journalists to attend „Speech and counter speech“ were interested in the topic as a conversation partner. But apart from the fact that journalists are rarely instrumentalized by PR campaigns such as 10:23, the organizers seem to have another problem: Last year, the GWUP already largely remained the participants, even its own members could hardly be mobilized , In most cities, less than 20 people participated in the announced mass action. The Federal Ministry for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) already made the campaign meaningful: „From the point of view of the BfArM, calls to take medicines in overdoses do not contribute to the education and sensitization of patients.“ (Pm)

Read about:
Opponents of homeopathy take public overdose
GWUP plans homeopathy overdose action
Consumed perception of homeopathy opponents?
Low participation in homeopathy "overdose"