Anti-diet day Increase in weight due to wrong weight loss

Anti-diet day Increase in weight due to wrong weight loss / Health News
Experts point out health risks due to slimming
More and more people are overweight. At the same time, however, especially in the media increasingly unrealistic ideals of beauty are presented, which create the feeling of having to be absolutely slim. This increases the pressure for many people to lose weight, which can lead to health problems and especially in adolescents quickly to eating disorders. On this issue will point to today's May 6, the "anti-diet day".

Media present unattainable ideal of beauty
Obesity and obesity affect more and more people, so that the World Health Organization (WHO) now even speaks of a European "overweight crisis". But parallel to the increasing proportion of fat people, a world of the beautiful and slim is being presented in cinemas, TV and print magazines. Critics repeatedly point out that the media-staged ideals of beauty are not realistic and therefore unreachable for most people. This unattainable "ideal" often puts young people under enormous pressure and often ends in eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia - the proportion of which has increased alarmingly in recent years.

Feminist Mary Evans Young calls 1992 "No Diet Day" to life
The International Anti-Diet-Day (English: "No Diet Day") wants to draw attention to exactly this problem, which takes place since 1992 in many countries every year on 6 May. This was originally initiated by British feminist Mary Evans Young after her surviving anorexia to show that diets could be the start of life-threatening eating disorders. Accordingly, this year again experts and stakeholders point out the health risks of wrong diets and an exaggerated slimming delusion.

Initiatives such as "Dicke Menschen e.V. - the Association for the Acceptance of Fat People" warn against an unattainable ideal of beauty, which, however, could not be achieved in a healthy way. Especially diets that lose many kilos in a short time, are health risky, since the weight by the so-called "yo-yo effect" after the "starvation" the faster rise again.

Watch out for exercise, sufficient sleep and little stress
The anti-diet tag therefore shows that diets do not work, so "fat people e.V.". Instead, they would on the contrary "thick and sick" because "they ruin the metabolism and because the food withdrawal numerous diseases accompany," the club writes on its website. Alternatively, exercise, low stress and sufficient rest should be taken into account to increase the likelihood of a long life.

From the expert's point of view, however, regular exercise alone is not enough to reduce weight. Instead, proper nutrition is just as important to avoid the yo-yo effect and to provide the body with the necessary energy. To help expose hidden fats and calories, it is often helpful to look carefully at the nutritional information tables of the products or a food diary documenting your daily meals, snacks and drinks. (No)

: Alexandra H.