Anti-Diet Day When losing weight becomes dangerous

Anti-Diet Day When losing weight becomes dangerous / Health News

Anti-Diet Day: When losing weight becomes dangerous


Even if diets are in vogue: Today is the international anti-diet day. Every year, on May 6th, health risks from losing weight are highlighted and the fight against eating disorders is promoted. Especially younger women are affected by anorexia.

Health risks due to wrong weight loss
Since 1992, the international anti-diet day takes place annually on the sixth of May. He was brought to life by British feminist Mary Evans Young after suffering anorexia. In numerous countries find at this „International No Diet Day“ Actions take place to draw attention to the dangers of dieting and slimming. It should be pointed to the health risks of incorrect weight loss and be solicited for the fight against eating disorders.

Diets do not help most people
Many experts warn that many people are following a beauty ideal that is incompatible with a healthy lifestyle. However, even though almost 25 percent of people in Germany suffer from a morbid, severe obesity (obesity), diets do not help most of those affected, since hardly any diet is able to actually cause less in the longer term. In particular, the so-called yo-yo effect, which is noticeable in many diets, could lead to health damage. The weight rises quickly after a starvation diet.

When health is damaged
In view of the widespread slimming ideal in advertising and the media, diets are now part of everyday life for many people. However, if the fasting continues, even though the desired weight has already been reached, the pursuit of the supposed ideal weight will be pathological. Anorexics go hungry, unlike healthy people who resume their normal eating habits, even if their health is damaged. In addition to underweight, it can therefore cause stomach problems and intestinal complaints, cardiovascular disorders, osteoporosis or organic damage. In addition, the soul also suffers from the thinness and thus threaten sleep disorders, panic attacks and depression.

Girls and young women especially affected
According to experts, especially girls and young women aged between 15 and 24 are at risk. Young men are significantly less affected. Eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia (eating-crushing addiction) are among the most common chronic health problems in childhood and adolescence. According to the Robert Koch Institute, around 11,500 cases were treated in German hospitals in 2012. As a study of the institute show, children from economically weaker families and migrants in Germany are particularly at risk. (Sb)

Image: Wolfgang,