Anti-diet day diets make you fat

Anti-diet day diets make you fat / Health News

Anti-diet day: starvation cures are unhealthy and cause the weight to rise


Today is the international anti-diet day. The inventor of the protest day, an English feminist, wants to draw attention to the dangers of dieting and slimming delusion with the day. Many people follow their ideals that they will never reach. Due to the yo-yo effect, those affected become fat and harm their health.

For the 21st time today, on 6 May, the worldwide anti-diet day will take place. More and more people are following the idea of ​​battling diets. They protest against the everyday delusion of being slim.

Protest against slimming mania
Every day, the media are full of attractive „super slim women“, who are actually already underweight. In addition, hundreds, even thousands, of dietitians are published. That is the common opinion, „slim is sexy“. Around 20 million people try to lose fat every year in Germany by using a diet. „The chasing after of a never-to-be-achieved ideal of beauty is often associated with an unhealthy lifestyle“, warns British author and feminist Mary Evans Young. That's why she and her fellow campaigners called the anti-diet day to be slim against the delusion of demonstrating.

The protesters take the day as an opportunity to point out the health risks that can result from incorrect weight loss. In many cases, the weight loss attempts lead to veritable mental illnesses such as bulimia or anorexia.

Yo-yo effect increases faster
Although an official study by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) found that „already 25 percent of Germans are overweight to obese and have a higher BMI than 30“, However, a diet would in most cases not help. Because hardly a diet is able to actually ensure in the longer term to weigh less.

A study by the Gesellschaft für Konsumforschung (GfK) with more than 2,000 female volunteers showed that only very few people were able to maintain their weight after the diet. About 50 percent of women were just as overweight after just 12 months as they were before starvation. About 23 percent weighed even more. Only about 27 percent were less on the scales, than before losing weight.

Only lifestyle change can bring success
This is no secret, because only those who change their lifestyle, eat healthier and more active physically, can also achieve a lasting effect. „Lifestyle change instead of diet is the motto“, said the activist. But just those „diet“ is a longer process and has fewer immediate consequences. But after a starvation diet comes the yo-yo effect and makes the weight rise faster. Since 1992, the anti-diet day takes place. Also in Germany different actions are started. (Sb)

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Anti-diet day: facts speak against diets
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Image: Wolfgang,