Anti-Diet Day The search for healthy weight loss

Anti-Diet Day The search for healthy weight loss / Health News
Not only overweight can make you sick. For anti-diet day show diet opponents that wrong weight loss is not only harmful to health, but can also lead to increased weight. Here is an overview in the "fight against the pounds"

What is the body measurement index?
The Bodey-Maß-Index (BMI) is quite controversial, because the diversity of man is barely detectable. Nevertheless, he can serve as an orientation. The BMI measures the ratio of weight and height. To do this, the weight in kilos is divided by the square of the height in meters. An example: A man weighs 75 kilos and is 1.80 m tall. This results in a BMI of 23. From a value of 25, overweight can be assumed. As of 30, doctors speak of obesity.

What is obesity??
Obesity means obesity. Doctors with a BMI of 30 or more speak of this form of massive overweight. In this context, the World Health Organization (WHO) speaks of a "worldwide epidemic that is steadily growing in importance". Because around 1.4 billion adults are already considered overweight. One third of this is even obese. Not infrequently, those affected suffer from diabetes, hypertension and other serious diseases. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 34 percent of adults in the United States are already overweight. In Germany it is 15 percent and in Japan just 4 percent.

More and more funds are coming to the market, which should make it easier to lose weight. But few people can actually help them lose weight. Although so-called formula diets can provide a way to lose weight under the supervision of doctors for obese patients, but they are not a permanent solution. Only those who permanently change their complete life, can achieve a permanent liberation from overweight. Experts estimate that this is only about 20 percent of those who are seriously on a diet. In addition to the change in eating habits also includes regular sports. Here are some examples.

Food Combining
Everything can be eaten with the food combining. But never at the same time. The reason: Proteinaceous as meat, fish and cheese need sour digestive juices. Potatoes, pasta or bread need basic digestive juices. Neutral foods harmonize with the other two groups. So a schnitzel can be eaten without potatoes, but with vegetables, because this is neutral. Or the food processor eats pasta with vegetables and leaves the meat for it.

Low-Carp diets
In low-carp carbohydrate intake is massively reduced. Instead, you eat more protein accordingly. This helps to achieve a faster feeling of satiety and to prevent the loss of muscle mass. With such diets it should come to fewer food cravings, because the blood sugar level varies less. In addition, the fat metabolism should be boosted.

Crash diets
In the case of so-called crash or radical diets, those affected only consume 500 to 800 instead of 2000 calories per day. Although initially the body's carbohydrate storage is emptied quickly, but it also leads to water losses. Although those take off quickly, but it often comes to food cravings and the lost weight is quickly taken back. The body demands new reserves and builds them up quickly. This form of diet is rejected by most nutritionists because they are most susceptible to so-called JoJo effects.

Anorexia can also occur in the formerly overweight. Most of the time psychological problems in the background are the cause. In an anorexia, the patients eat almost nothing. According to some studies, about 1 percent of Germans suffer from this disease. People with bulimia often eat normally or a lot - and then vomit a short while later in the bathroom. According to some studies, about 1.5 percent of girls in Germany suffer from this eating disorder.

Anti-Diet Day
Feminist Mary Evans Young launched "No Diet Day" in 1992. She denounced the constant decrease and increase. The diet craze makes people even more sick. The International Anti-Diet-Day (English: "No Diet Day") wants to draw attention to this problem, which takes place since 1992 in many countries every year on 6 May. This was originally initiated by British feminist Mary Evans Young after her surviving anorexia to show that diets could be the start of life-threatening eating disorders. Accordingly, this year again experts and stakeholders point out the health risks of wrong diets and an exaggerated slimming delusion.

Initiatives such as "Dicke Menschen e.V. - the Association for the Acceptance of Fat People" warn against an unattainable ideal of beauty, which, however, could not be achieved in a healthy way. Especially diets that lose many kilos in a short time, are health risky, since the weight by the so-called "yo-yo effect" after the "starvation" the faster rise again.
The anti-diet tag shows that diets do not work, so "fat people e.V.". Instead, they would on the contrary "thick and sick" because "they ruin the metabolism and because the food withdrawal numerous diseases accompany," the club writes on its website. Alternatively, exercise, low stress and sufficient rest should be taken into account to increase the likelihood of a long life. (Sb)