Increase in diabetes disorders in children

Increase in diabetes disorders in children / Health News

Significant increase in type 1 diabetes in children


According to the Association for Pediatric Diabetology (AGPD) and the German Diabetes Association, more and more children are suffering from type 1 diabetes in the coming years. By the year 2020, the number of affected children under the age of 15 will probably double to around 30,000. Andreas Neu, spokesman of the AG for Pediatric Diabetology at the annual meeting of DDG and AGPD in Erlangen.

Different causes favor, according to the experts, the increased occurrence of type 1 diabetes in children. Genetic factors but also environmental influences, too early weaning and caesarean deliveries are mentioned here. Worldwide, an increase in type 1 diabetes new cases by two to three percent per year can be observed in Europe, the experts even recorded a rise of 3.4 percent, explained the AGPD spokesman. In this country live according to statement of Dr. med. Currently there are about 25,000 children and adolescents under the age of 20 with type 1 diabetes. In addition, there was also a significant increase in type 2 diabetes (adult onset diabetes) in adolescents, which is due to the increasingly unhealthy diet, lack of exercise and corresponding overweight.

Limitations in everyday life of children due to type 1 diabetes
Noticeably, type 1 diabetes in adolescents in the early stages is usually due to frequent urination, severe thirst, weight loss and performance limitations, explains the AGPD in the booklet „Children with diabetes at school“. The symptoms are caused by insulin deficiency or correspondingly high blood sugar. Those affected depend on insulin treatment throughout their lives. If adults often have significant difficulties with diabetes, it is even more difficult for them. You must think about injecting insulin before each meal and keep an eye on carbohydrate or sugar levels during meals. It should also be kept in mind that during physical activity the blood sugar level drops faster and under certain circumstances a low blood sugar level is imminent.

Diabetes is also an increasing problem in adolescents
Overall, type 1 diabetes is much less common than type 2 diabetes, but it is the more common form of diabetes in adolescents. While only about 5,000 children under the age of 15 suffer from type 2 diabetes, the number of type 1 diabetes disorders at this age is about three times as high. The Association for Pediatric Diabetology at the University Hospital Tübingen has it own statement „committed to improving the care of children and adolescents with diabetes“ and mediates for this purpose „Knowledge about diabetes mellitus and its treatment as well as all related medical pedagogical, social and psychological problems.“ At this year's joint annual meeting of the DDG and the AGPD, around 500 researchers, doctors, psychologists, medical assistants and other interested parties met and discussed, among other things, future developments and treatment methods for diabetes. (Fp)

Picture: Birgitta Hohenester