Increase in dementia patients in Germany

Increase in dementia patients in Germany / Health News

More and more people in Germany suffer from dementia


Dementia is becoming more and more a widespread disease. Every year, the number of patients in Germany increases by 40,000 patients.

The appearing in Dusseldorf „Rheinische Post“ reported on Friday, citing figures from the German Alzheimer's Association, that almost 300,000 first-time illnesses occur each year. The number of new cases is well above that of the deaths and thus the dementia patients are getting more and more. If people fail to protect or heal from memory loss, the number of people with dementia will rise from 1.4 million to three million in 2050.

A few years ago, the forecast figures were still slightly lower, according to a statement by the Berlin Institute for Population and Development. But even then, attention was already drawn to the growing social problem. (Ad)

Picture: Gerd Altmann