Persistent coughing indication of serious illness

Persistent cough may indicate a serious illness
A cough associated with a cold can be harmless during the cold season. However, behind coughing fits can also conceal serious diseases, as the Federal Association of German pharmacists associations (ABDA) pointed out in Berlin. When is medical help necessary??
A cough can have many causes. Most of the causes are harmless and rather indicate a flu infection, which disappears after an adequate recovery. But coughing can also point to serious illnesses, as reported by the Association of Pharmacists' Associations.
If coughing also bothers the forehead and eyes, or if the expectoration is colored yellow, green or reddish, the symptoms are more likely to conceal more serious illnesses. Patients should not hesitate for a long time in the described symptoms and consult a doctor immediately. If the affected person has a fever, pain when breathing, if the cough is dry and lasts longer than two to three weeks, the symptoms indicate a seasonal flu. Even then, patients should consult a doctor immediately. If infections are kidnapped, if the immune system is too weak or if patients suffer from previous illnesses, pneumonia can occur.
Dry cough also symptom of heart failure
Persistent dry cough may also indicate cardiovascular symptoms. According to ABDA, for example, a chronic disease such as heart failure (heart failure) may be present. Typically, sufferers notice a generally reduced resilience and physical weakness. Climbing stairs or fast running must be interrupted due to lack of air. Clear symptoms such as water in the legs and frequent urination at night should encourage patients to seek medical attention immediately. A dry cough can also be a side effect of a drug. Such undesirable effects are occasionally observed in antihypertensives.
Anyone who smokes for years and complains of a growing smoker's cough could suffer from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Other warnings include a cough in the morning and a brownish expectoration. A lack of sputum and sudden attacks of coughing are independent of location and are usually atypical for COPD. If suspected, a pulmonologist should be consulted.
In simple colds dry cough shows up to three days after the onset of the infection. This is followed by the productive cough, in which patients cough up the mucus. (Sb)
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