Prolonged bacterial risk Prolongation of the preemie station prolonged

For about a week there is a recording stop on the premature birth unit of the University Hospital Tübingen because of the detection of bacteria of the genus Enterobacter aerogenes in several children. Now this recording stop has been extended because another premature baby was identified with the bacterium.
The "recording stop the premature intensive care unit remains," said the current release of the University Hospital Tübingen. In the last week another child was identified that is colonized with the intestinal bacterium Enterobacter aerogenes. The decision on the duration of the admission stop for premature babies is dependent on a series of further investigations, which will be carried out in the coming days, reports the university hospital.

Several children colonized with the bacteria
Since mid-August, several neonatologists at Tübingen University Hospital have been colonized with intestinal bacteria, which can lead to increased infection in preterm infants. In routine and close-meshed controls, the colonization has been proven and in consultation with the Health Department Tübingen comprehensive preventive measures were initiated, explains the University Hospital.
Another child identified
For example, one week ago a precautionary shutdown in the preterm ward was imposed, which was now extended because of the spread of the bacterium. When evaluating all current test results, another child with the bacterium was identified, reports the University Hospital Tübingen. The child is so far healthy and an infection is not present. The evidence shows that the close-meshed controls and hygiene measures are effective, says Professor Dr. med. Ingo Autenrieth, Medical Director of the Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene.
Duration of recording stop unclear
"As part of the extension of the recording stop the intensive preventive measures remain after consultation with the health authority Tübingen," said the Department of the University Hospital. How long the recording stop for premature babies applies, will be shown in the context of a series of further investigations. According to Professor dr. Christian Poets, medical director of neonatology and neonatal intensive care medicine, takes the colonization of extremely premature infants with the intestinal bacterium Enterobacter aerogenes very seriously, even if they have so far only led to an infection in one case. "All children born prematurely are fine," emphasizes Professor Poets.
Departments of Women's Health Tübingen not affected
The University Hospital Tübingen explicitly points out that the departments and departments of the Department of Women's Health Tübingen such as the delivery room, the operating room, the ambulance area, the breast cancer center and the patient rooms are not affected by the current situation in neonatology. The extensive patient care in obstetrics and gynecological clinic remains unaffected by the measures. All children and emergency cases can be cared for in Tübingen and all pregnant women are in safe hands in the University Women's Hospital, according to the University Hospital. Even high-risk pregnancies would continue to be provided for.
"As soon as the premature babies are more mature and can be discharged home, the germ can not harm them anymore", reports Professor Dr. med. Christian Poets. From then on, the bacterium belongs to the normal intestinal flora, as in all small and large humans. The entire Department of Women's Health is grateful, "that the clinics in the region so energetically supported us," emphasizes Professor. Diethelm Wallwiener, Medical Director of the University Women's Hospital. (Fp)