Fear of cancer Every second without precaution

Fear of cancer Every second without precaution / Health News

Fear of cancer - Almost every second person does not take precautions


Although over two-thirds of Germans are afraid of cancer, almost one in two is not prepared to take precautions. This emerges from a study of DAK health. However, the majority of respondents rated their present state of health very positively.

Fear of cancer greatest
Cancer is still the greatest fear maker of the Germans when it comes to health. About two-thirds (69 percent) are afraid of a tumor disease. Especially among the 30- to 44-year-olds, concern is 76 percent. However, almost every second person in this age group does not go to the check-up. This emerges from a current and representative study of the health insurance DAK-health. Since November 2010, the Forsa Institute has been investigating German fears of illness for the health insurance fund.

Fear of numerous diseases
Nationwide, 5,400 women and men were interviewed. At 69 percent, the fear of cancer increased slightly compared to the previous year. After a malignant tumor, citizens are most concerned about Alzheimer's and dementia (49 percent), a slight decline from the previous year. 45 percent of Germans are afraid of an accident with injuries. This is followed by concerns about a stroke (47 percent) and a heart attack (40 percent). At 32 percent, many people are also afraid of a serious virus epidemic, such as Ebola. This is followed by the fear of mental illness (28 percent), such as depression and severe lung disease (22 percent). Nine and ten take diabetes (16 percent) and venereal diseases (11 percent) such as AIDS.

Many do not use the cancer screening
Although so many people are afraid of cancer, only 56 percent of the 30- to 44-year-olds go to the cancer screening. Although 69 percent of women use the free offer, but only 45 percent of men. And that although many lives could be saved by the early detection. For example, skin cancer or colon cancer, if diagnosed early, are treatable. Dieter Carius from the DAK Health explained: „Every fourth German dies of cancer.“ He admonished: „It is and remains a major challenge for all stakeholders in the health care system to increase participation in cancer screening. Especially men care about the condition of their car rather than their own health.“

Older people have different fears
The respective fears of illnesses are very different in the different age groups. For example, in the case of over-60s after cancer, there is concern about dementia and Alzheimer's. Of the interviewees, three-quarters fear this disease, as it is not curable so far. In addition, almost every second knows a case of dementia or Alzheimer's disease in the family or in the circle of friends. Overall, 88 percent of Germans rate their current state of health as good or very good. The people in Schleswig-Holstein, Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria rated their state of health as particularly good. (Ad)

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