Fear of cancer Internet search influences the motivation for cancer screening

Internet use can help to motivate people to prevent cancer
Although surveys showed that most Germans fear cancer, many do not take it too early with screening tests. It would be useful for anxious people on the preventive side to get more medical information online. Because according to a new study increases the motivation for cancer screening.
Participation in the cancer screening is not a matter of course
Although modern medicine has made many advances in the fight against cancer, the fear of diagnosing cancer is widespread. Nevertheless, participation in the cancer screening is not a matter of course. Especially the strong sex is weak in the provision. It could be useful if you are looking for more help on the Internet. Because researchers from the Leibniz Institute for Knowledge Media have found that the fear of cancer influences whether people go to the Internet search of medical information rather to check-up or not.

Many people are afraid of cancer
Although many people are afraid of cancer, not all are going to the respective screening tests.
For example, just about every fifth person over the age of 55 has undergone colonoscopy, although it is recommended for cancer screening for this age group.
But what affects whether people make this provision? The Internet is often consulted when deciding whether or not to take precautions.
Psychologists of the Leibniz Institute for Knowledge Media (IWM) in Tübingen around Prof. Dr. med. Kai Sassenberg found out that this internet use influences the decision for or against the provision.
It is surprising that the more someone is afraid of cancer, the more motivated he / she after the Internet research on colon cancer and the screening (i.e., colonoscopy) to perform.
The results of the study were recently published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research.
Positive information reduces anxiety
"Our research shows that when searching for information on the Internet, patients choose more positive links and more often remember positive information from the readings to reduce feelings of fear or threat," said psychologist Prof. Dr. med. Sassenberg in a message.
The reason scientists assume that fear leads to a one-sided selection and processing of information.
That is, many people unconsciously focus on the positive information (e.g., opportunities) and hide the negative information (e.g., risks) when researching the Internet on an anxiety-obsessed topic.
Internet usage can help motivate people to take precautionary measures
People with higher anxiety may well compensate: They are looking for more positive information on the Internet and thus also form a better impression of cancer prevention measures. Accordingly, they are more motivated to take precautionary measures.
Internet use can help to reduce the fear of cancer and precautionary measures. These effects were independent of actual medical risk factors, so they are psychological - that is, they affect the personal perception of patients.
At the same time, however, it also became clear that people with little fear of cancer are more likely to opt for a colonoscopy after intensive internet research.
These individuals give more weight to presumably unpleasant aspects of colonoscopy (e.g., risks they find information on the internet).
Conclusion: Internet use can thus help motivate people to take precautionary measures and, in other cases, visit a doctor.
But this is especially true for people who are afraid of a disease. For people who have little fear of cancer (or any other disease) anyway, internet use tends to be more of a precaution and a doctor's visit. (Ad)