Rub onion onion with oil

Sliced onions brushed with oil last longer
Cut onions should be rubbed with oil, because then they are longer lasting. The Bavarian Farmers Association drew attention to this.
Tip from the Farmers Association
What do you do if you do not need a whole onion when cooking and frying? What should happen to the other half? Because in principle, cut onions should be consumed quickly because their aroma is lost in a short time. The Bavarian Farmers Association knows a way out. He advises to inscribe the onion with oil and
keep it for a while longer.
Keep onions dry and dark
Onions should not be browned too much when frying, because then they taste bitter. According to the farmers' association, they should be steamed only glassy. The vegetables can also be bitter when crushed when it is squeezed. Therefore, always a sufficiently sharp knife should be used. Since onions are best kept dark and dry, the fridge is not suitable. Also because its low temperature could lead to a soapy aroma.
Antibacterial effect
Due to its antibacterial effect, the onion is an often used home remedy for various diseases such as otitis media or for coughing. Applied externally, the vegetables are used because of its anti-inflammatory effect. For example, after a wasp sting, you can rub the spot with a sliced onion and let some juice dribble on it. Repeating the whole thing again after a few minutes, usually occurs a rapid relief of the symptoms. (Ad)
Picture: Andreas Musolt