Peeling? Do not go to work with carnival hangover

Carnival, Mardi Gras, Carnival: On celebrations during the "fifth season" it is usually wet-happy. If you have to go to work the next day, you should be better off with drinking. Not only because working with a hangover is very hard to work with, but also because a flag in the workplace can have serious consequences.
Carnival is often wet and happy
During the so-called "fifth season" so many fun-humorous parties take place. Experts often advise that you should eat fat at Carnival and give tips against the carnival hangover, but the associated flag is difficult to paint over. Anyone who goes to work on the day after the carnival celebration can gain a lot of trouble. Those who want to spare themselves should take time off in good time. In a message from the dpa news agency, experts explain what employees should look out for.

Better not hangover to work
"Anyone who has noticeable residual alcohol may provide the boss with a prime reason for a warning," explains Thorsten Knobbe, career adviser from Düsseldorf. Employees should definitely be prepared to be approached by the boss on their condition. The appropriate answer depends primarily on the supervisor. Assuming that he understands, then honesty is appropriate. "In addition one promises to stay longer in case of doubt, in order to do all necessary work also", recommends career coach Carolin Lüdemann. Also advisable is a sentence like "Next year is no longer possible."
Take a day off
However, if one believes that the boss does not find a carnival hangover "jeck", it would be better to remain unconcrete. The alcohol flag can be at least somewhat mitigated by home remedies for bad breath. The corporate culture certainly plays a role as well. "In the Rhineland, nobody really bothers you when you say that you have celebrated carnival," says Thorsten Knobbe from the Rhineland. But even here, the most elegant solution remains: "Free for the day after!" (Ad)