Andropause What characterizes men's menopause?

Andropause What characterizes men's menopause? / Health News
Men also have menopause: andropause is different than in women
Hot flashes, sweats and mood swings - the symptoms of menopausal women are well known. But many do not know that men come to the menopause.

In the jargon called Andropause, they affect about every fifth man. Strictly speaking, the andropause is not a disease, but a natural phase of life, which is more unspecific, less pronounced and slower than the female menopause. The Uro GmbH points out an association of urologists from North Rhine-Westphalia.

As with menopausal women, andropause is associated with some concomitants. Dr. Reinhold Schaefer, Managing Director of the doctor network Uro-GmbH North Rhine, explains what is going on with male menopause: "About the age of 35, hormone production is slowly decreasing in men, because the testes produce less testosterone and testosterone thereby in the course of life continues to decrease. The typical male hormone testosterone controls the sexual functions of libido, potency and fertility, but also muscle power, bone formation and breakdown and also blood formation. "

Men experience menopause differently than women. Nevertheless, there are similarities. (Image: Rido /

When hormones get mixed up in a male, sex life, fertility and mood are affected considerably. The most important indicators of andropause are sexual. "Most men have found that morning erections are less common and sex drive is reduced. In addition, some suffer from erectile dysfunction. "

But the body is not as powerful with decreasing testosterone levels. "Exerting strength, such as jogging, lifting heavy objects or running long stretches, as well as kneeling and bending down, is not that easy anymore." Some affected men also complain about lack of sleep, lack of concentration, tiredness and sometimes depressive moods.

Some of these side effects sometimes require the advice of a urologist. "Anyone who mentally puts a lot of stress on his or her symptoms should definitely visit a urologist," explains Dr. med. Shepherd. In addition to a detailed conversation, a physical examination also belongs to the diagnosis, in order to rule out organic causes for the complaints. Blood tests determine the concentration of sex hormones in the blood. At low values ​​speaks much for male menopause. A questionnaire also helps to determine the severity and the need for treatment.

"There is no classic hormone replacement therapy in men. Although it is possible in principle, it should only be done after a thorough urological examination, "adds Dr. Shepherd. Depending on the cause, which the urologist accurately diagnoses, hormone treatments with testosterone, the administration of so-called PD5 inhibitors, but also other measures come into question. (Sb, pm)