Andrew Weil Spontaneous healing

Andrew Weil Spontaneous healing / Health News

Book Reference: Andrew Weil: Spontaneous Healing

Dr. Andrew Weil is a well-known naturopathic doctor in the US whose books have become bestsellers there. This book about him revolves around the self-healing mechanisms of man. In the first part, Dr. Because spontaneous cures in endocrine diseased patients and the self-healing system, to show that there are these self-healing powers in humans. In the second and third part he deals with everyday influences of our organism and gives tips for self-help possibilities. Finally, in the last part, he describes how current medicine would have to expand to promote these mechanisms in the patient. Andrew Weil is a very experienced and well-read physician with a good sense of observation and interesting new ideas.

For my taste, however, his idea of ​​lifestyle for activating and promoting the healing powers is already a bit too dogmatic and thus threatens to impose a pattern on people, through which many would fall through.
Nevertheless, his observations of the current medical conditions are extremely ingenious and the descriptions and ideas of the healing mechanisms in humans very insightful and insightful and therefore highly recommended.