Drinking in the evening prevents kidney stones

Drinking in the evening prevents kidney stones / Health News

Kidney stones: drinking in the evening prevents: Small behavioral changes reduce the risk of disease


Infernal pain and cramps in the lumbar region, often combined with nausea and vomiting - that's how sufferers describe the discharge of a kidney stone. According to estimates, about five percent of Germans carry such deposits of salts in themselves. Even with smaller measures, health-conscious people prevent the painful stones.

„Kidney stones are formed when certain substances in the urine are too concentrated and then precipitate into crystals that continue to grow,“ explains Dr. Reinhold Schaefer, urologist and spokesman of the medical network Uro-GmbH Nordrhein. Treacherous: Many remain undiscovered until they begin to wander. Only an ultrasound examination brings kidney stones to light. The most effective means of preventing the formation of kidney stones is fluid. But not only the amount, but also the right timing influences the urine concentration. Most people drink a lot during the day and little in the evening so they do not have to go to the bathroom at night. This behavior favors the formation of stones. Therefore, urologists recommend to take a glass before bedtime. Best water and herbal or fruit tea. An addition of lemon juice also helps to prevent crystallization. Basically, a diet low in protein, salt and fat protects a balanced diet against kidney stones. Physical activity also ensures that small stones do not settle in the kidneys at all. (Pm)