Aging process People live much longer today

Aging process People live much longer today / Health News
The average age of pensioners continues to rise
Medical care has improved steadily in recent decades. More and more pensioners are also paying attention to their diet and doing sports. Thus, the life expectancy continues to increase. At the present time, many people reach old age. Scientists from the UK Public Health England Health Department conclude that older people live longer than ever before.

Our health system is getting better and better, and many previously incurable diseases can be treated today thanks to newly developed, effective medicines. Thus, it is not surprising that the average life expectancy is steadily rising. The scientists from "Public Health England" found that people in England are getting older today than ever before. Researchers published a report on the rising age of retirees.

Average life expectancy in the UK reached its highest level last year. (Image: bernanamoglu /

65 year old men in England live on average for 19 years and women even 21 years
Many people today pay attention to a healthy lifestyle. For example, people do not smoke as much and take more healthy food. The importance of sport and exercise is also well known to most. These circumstances could be one reason why we are getting older, in addition to improvements in the health care system. Of course there are exceptions. Some older people live in poor health, warn the experts. Nevertheless, the average life expectancy is rising. The report from "Public Health England" notes that retirees are getting older than ever. The new figures show that men over the age of 65 now live an average of 19 more years. Women live even longer. The scientists found that after reaching the age of 65, they have an average of 21 years to live. The results, however, vary from region to region. For example, in England people from the northeast and northwest have a lower life expectancy than people from other regions, say the English researchers.

In general, life expectancy among older age groups in England has risen to its highest level since 2014. Compared with 2013, life expectancy of 65-year-olds increased by 0.3 years. At the age of 75 years, 85 years and 95 years, the value increased by 0.2 years, explain the scientists. The same increase was observed in women. The new figures are very pleasing, because in 2011 and 2012 life expectancy had fallen in some older age groups. Nevertheless, there was also an area in England where the life expectancy of older people has not improved. In the northeast of the country, people became older in 2013 than the following year, say the experts.

Life expectancy generally increases but varies from country to country
The report shows us that we are getting older and older. A good quality of life in later years is therefore very important, emphasizes Prof. John Newton of "Public Health England". The results make it clear that even in the middle of our lives, it is not too late to improve health. Many people could start to live healthier lives today. For example, we could give up smoking, do more exercise, generally move more and eat healthier, the expert adds. All these factors cause life expectancy to increase and that we stay healthy for longer, say the doctors. Unfortunately, it is not yet clear why life expectancy is lower in some regions. But there is an urgent need to find out why life expectancy has stalled in many parts of England in recent years, warn physicians. There are also indications in the report that the health of many older people has deteriorated in some parts of the country. Values ​​seem to vary from region to region and vary from country to country. For example, recent statistics from Scotland have shown that the life expectancy of 65-year-old men increased by 17.4 years and that women live an average of 19.7 years, the researchers add. But even there there are big differences throughout the country. (As)