aging process

aging process /
The biological aging process begins theoretically right after birth, whereby a kind of maturity phase is first experienced, in which an increase in capacity takes place, before degenerative processes gain the upper hand and increasing impairments of the organism occur. Ultimately, the aging processes lead to a limited life expectancy of all living things. In humans, the aging process varies widely and various factors, such as genetic predisposition, lifestyle, or exposure to environmental toxins, have a significant impact on how fast our body ages. Clearly scientifically clarified, however, the course of biological aging processes is not yet. Striking external features of aging include gray hair and the formation of wrinkles.

Age recognizable on images of the brain

MRI images of the brain reveal age17.08.2012Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) imaging allows images of the brain to be ...
More abuses accelerate aging

Metastudy: Maltreated Children Aging Faster 24.04.2012Scientists from Duke University in Durham have come up with a research paper ...
Stay healthy until old age

Healthy to old age08.04.2012The President of the World Health Summit, Professor Detlev Ganten, has interviewed „World Online“ dargestel ...
More science comes to mind with Methuselah genes

Science: Researchers discovered Methusalem genes. The genes are responsible for a long life. (04.07.2010) Researchers have succeeded for the first time ...

(Photo 1: naka /